Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (2024)

Food Garlic Butter Mushrooms

October 19, 2023 byKari

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Breakfast, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo / Primal, Recipes, Side dishes, Vegetarian, Whole 30

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These Garlic Butter Mushrooms are a super easy and versatile side dish that can make an ordinary dinner seem special. They’re naturally gluten-free with dairy-free and vegan options as well. Try adding them to everything from freshly cooked pasta, or to your next steak night.

Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (1)

These Garlic Butter Mushrooms are definitely not another boring side dish. In fact, they quickly become the star of the show, they’re just so flavorful. They’re also one of my favorite ways to add another veggie to a meal in just minutes.

The garlic-butter flavor is also super versatile and can be paired with so many things. I’ve used them as an omelet filling, as a topping for my Creme Fraiche Risotto, and tossed into a salad for lunch.

So… you might want to make an extra batch just to have it on hand in the refrigerator. I think you’re easily going to be able to find all sorts of ways to use these!

And speaking of which, our favorite way to serve these is with steak for special dinners, (see inspiration below). But they’re also great with everyday kinds of meals too.

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Ingredients & Substitutions

Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (3)
  • Mushrooms – I like to use Crimini mushrooms here because they’re a bit more flavorful than regular white button mushrooms. But you can use any mushrooms you have available. And if you should ever get your hands on some morel mushrooms, well… you’re definitely in for a treat!
  • Butter – for the ‘garlic-butter’ flavor, but ghee, avocado oil, and olive oil all work. So feel free to choose whichever one is best for you. Also as I mentioned above using olive or avocado oil is a more neutral flavor and makes these mushrooms even more versatile.
  • Garlic – fresh minced garlic is a must here! This is a very simple dish and jarred garlic isn’t going to give great results. In a pinch, I would use a touch of garlic powder over anything from a jar.
  • Herbs – These are optional, but I love using rosemary, sage, or thyme here. In the summer months chives or a sprinkling of freshly chopped parsley is nice as well.

How to make this recipe step by step

Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (4)

Step 1: Start by mincing up the fresh rosemary or thyme. Be sure to remove the tough woody stems before chopping.

Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (6)

Step 3: Preheat a large (9″) skillet over medium-high heat. When the skillet is hot but not smoking add the butter.

When the butter has just melted, add the garlic and chopped rosemary. Cook briefly just until fragrant, about 30 seconds.

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Step 4: Add the mushrooms and toss together with the garlic herb butter. Cook the mushrooms stirring only as they brown.

Don’t stir them too often and maintain the heat at a level that they are browning without excess water in the pan. But not so hot that the pan smokes and the mushrooms burn.

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Step 5: When the mushrooms are just about done, season them to taste with sea salt and pepper if desired.

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Ways to serve these Garlic Butter Mushrooms

  • These sauteed mushrooms are wonderful paired with steak, chicken, or pork chops. Try them with my Tuscan Steak or Air Fryer Ribeye.
  • They also pair well with larger roasts: Roast Chicken, Beef Tenderloin, Pork Sirloin Roast, and Pork Tenderloin.
  • Toss them in with your favorite pasta dishes. They’re great mixed into my Gluten Free Mac and Cheese. Or toss freshly cooked pasta together with the mushrooms and my Garlic Parmesan Sauce or Tomato Cream Sauce.


What is the best way to sauté mushrooms?

A combination of high heat and not overcrowding the pan is the best way to sauté mushrooms. You want the mushrooms to sear and brown on the edges without shedding so much liquid that they simmer. This is why it’s so important not to add to many mushrooms to 1 pan. Use a large pan or cook the mushrooms in batches if you have a small pan.

Should I sauté mushrooms in oil or butter?

You can use either oil or butter to sauté mushrooms. The benefit of using oil is it has a higher smoke point so you can sauté over higher heat and it’s dairy-free as well. Butter needs a slightly lower heat so it doesn’t burn, but it adds incredible flavor.

Storing leftovers

  • To store – place any leftovers into an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
  • Make ahead – these are best made fresh if you want to serve them with something like steak. But they can be made ahead and reheated. We’ve found they are best added to other dishes like soups, pasta dishes, or scrambled eggs.
  • Reheating – place any leftovers into a skillet over medium heat. Stir constantly adding a bit of water to keep them from sticking until they’re heated through.
  • To freeze – these mushrooms can be frozen for up to 6 months in an airtight container. Defrost in the fridge overnight before reheating. The thawed mushrooms will be a bit softer.
Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (10)

Tips & Tricks

  1. Don’t overcrowd the pan! This is super important because your mushrooms will ‘steam’ rather than sauté. It won’t ‘ruin’ them or anything, you just won’t have that lovely caramelized flavor or great texture you’re looking for. When you first add mushrooms to a hot pan, they suck up all the butter/oil and it seems like it might be too dry. But don’t worry, they start shedding water soon. And in no time they’re browned like the pictured below.
  2. Don’t walk away! These come together in just a few minutes over high heat. It’s too easy to burn things at high heat, so it’s best to give them your full attention for the few minutes they’re cooking. You won’t be sorry after one bite of pure good flavor!
  3. No more rubbery mushrooms! Rubbery mushrooms happen when mushrooms ‘steam’ rather than sauté. So along with not crowding the pan, you want to make sure your mushrooms are thoroughly dried before cooking.
  4. How to clean mushrooms? A damp cloth works well for mostly clean mushrooms. But when I get a batch with a lot of visible dirt, I do go ahead and wash them under running water, despite all the controversy about this. If I wash them under running water, I spread them out and allow them to dry for at least an hour before cooking. As mentioned above, water is the enemy here because you don’t want your mushrooms ‘steaming’!

Dietary Options & Substitutions

  • Dairy-free – use dairy-free butter or olive oil.
  • Paleo & Whole30 – use ghee or olive oil.
  • Vegan or Vegetarian – use vegan butter or olive oil.
Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (11)

Everything you need for an Italian Dinner Party

  • This is a dinner I have made over the years for special occasions, birthdays, and date nights! If you’re really going ‘all out’, start with my Antipasto Platter. For the 1st course or ‘pasta’ course try my Creamy Butternut Risotto.
  • Then follow that with my Tuscan Style Steak paired with these mushrooms and Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus.
  • And finally, for dessert, I would lean towards the Healthy Chocolate Tart or the Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding. They’re both equally delicious, and even better they’re made ahead, and so easy!

Inspiration for Easy Veggie Side Dish Recipes

  • Roasted Broccoli
  • Garlic Roasted Carrots
  • Perfect Roasted Asparagus
  • Roasted Brussels Sprouts
  • Roasted Sweet Potatoes

And you can head on over to see all our best side dishes recipes in one place. I really hope you enjoy these sautéed Garlic Butter Mushrooms! If you do get a chance to make this recipe, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (12)

Garlic Butter Mushrooms

5 from 2 votes

Author: Kari Peters

Total Time 10 minutes mins

Yield: 2 as a large side dish

Course: Side Dish



  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter - ghee, olive oil, or avocado oil
  • 10 ounces Crimini mushroom - thoroughly cleaned and sliced 1/4″ thick, 14 mushrooms, or 4 cups sliced
  • 1 large clove garlic - peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary - thyme, or sage, options
  • 1/4 tsp ground sea salt - or to taste


  • Preheat a 9″ cast iron skillet over medium heat.

  • While the skillet heats prepare your mushrooms, and chop your choice of herbs.

  • Turn the skillet up to medium-high heat, and add the butter to the pan.

  • When the butter is mostly melted, add the mushrooms, garlic, and chopped herb of choice.

  • Toss the ingredients together to combine in the skillet, and then let the mushrooms sauté for 1-2 minutes before turning.

  • It’s important not to stir all the time, or the mushrooms won’t have a chance to brown, and that caramelized flavor is not to be missed!

  • Cook until the mushrooms are tender with browned edges, about 5-8 minutes turning them 2-3 times total.

  • Season to taste with sea salt, and serve immediately with the dinner of your choice.

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This recipe is also perfect for any ‘fancy’ mushrooms when you have them like Chanterell mushrooms or Morel mushrooms.

Category: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Keywords: Best Garlic Butter Mushrooms, Garlic Mushroom Recipe, Garlic Mushrooms, Sautéed Mushrooms

nutrition facts

Calories: 184kcal | Carbohydrates: 7g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 17g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 45mg | Sodium: 302mg | Potassium: 646mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 526IU | Vitamin C: 0.5mg | Calcium: 34mg | Iron: 1mg

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This post was originally published in 2014 but has been updated in 2021 & 2023 to include more tips, nutritional information, and new photos.

Garlic Butter Mushrooms (15 minutes) | Get Inspired Everyday! (2024)


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