Pokemon Go friend codes; What they are, how to find them, and a place to share them (2024)

June 30, 2022 - Over 1000 codes, more than enough to fill up your friend list!Original article by Jupiter Hadley, updated by PocketGamer staff.

We've compiled and created this resource to teach you everything you need to know about Pokemon Go friend codes. We'll cover how to find them, what they are, and we'll also be collecting a whole bunch of them (feel free to add your own) in the comments below!

  • Don't miss out on the latest Pokemon GO promo codes for some free gifts!

Pokemon Go friends can help you gain gifts, collect stickers, go to raids with you, trade Pokemon, and battle in at-home leagues. It’s actually more important now than it ever has been to keep your friends list active and participate with friends. If you are in need of new items, yet cannot get out and about to various Pokestops or gyms, being able to rely on your friends and exchange gifts for items is the best chance you have at keeping the game relevant and active.

How to add a friend in Pokemon GO?

Adding Pokemon GO friends is pretty easy - you just need to click on your player icon, then click Add Friend. In this tab, you can see your trainer code, which can be given to others via social media or text message. You can type in a trainer code to add a friend or connect with Facebook to add your friends from there. If QR Codes are more your thing, you can go to the QR tab to scan or share your Pokemon GO friend code.

Pokemon Go friend codes; What they are, how to find them, and a place to share them (1)

Pokemon Go has added the ability to put your status as Online or Offline, to tell your friends that you are currently playing on the app and can be requested for Trainer Battles or to team up in Raid Battles. This is useful when looking for people to play with and to see who is active in your Pokemon GO friends list. It’s good to give your friends list a clear out from time to time.

You can also see how far a trainer has walked, the amount of Pokemon they have caught, and the number of battles they won. These details are with their current level and their buddy. Each friend has a friend level, displayed in hearts, which only goes up as you give them gifts. Going up in friends levels can give you XP and more benefits from being friends.

Are Pokemon Go friend codes safe?

Pokemon Go friend codes are, in fact, safe. If you add someone to the list of your friends, there are no harmful actions that a user can take against you. they won't be able to access any info besides your username, and the name of the stops you have recently sent them post cards from. You can add new people without worrying too much.

How to get Pokemon Go friend codes?

You can make some new friends at the bottom of this very page, as you'll see a lot of people adding their codes below. You can add yours and people will certainly add you! This is a type of game where having a lot of buddies is a nice bonus, it is all about socialising.

Pokemon Go friend codes; What they are, how to find them, and a place to share them (2)

What bonuses will I get from friends?

If you click on a friend’s heart level, you can see the bonuses you get from that friend, including trade bonuses, and gym battles or raid battles to help your bond with them. If you have someone you want to trade with, getting your friend bonus up ahead of time can really reduce costs and help you in the long run.

For trading, this will give you a larger Stardust discount when it comes to swapping Pokemon whilst in Gym Battles/Raid Battles this will increase your Attack alongside netting you extra Premier Balls to catch a defeated Raid Pokemon with.

What to do in case the codes are not working?

There was a patch a while ago that bugged the 'paste' option. What happens is not strange. As the friend code has 12 characters, because of the spaces between letters, it pasted only 10 out of 12. If this happens to you, just try to add the numbers manually and it will work like a charm!

How many Pokemon GO friends can I have?

At the moment there is a cap of 400 friends on the list. However, most players will never get anywhere near that number. You'll have to clear out some of your inactive friends to add new ones in case you ever get there.

What can Pokemon GO friends see?

Your friends can see your achievements, trainer profile and which Pokemon you've caught. However, the latter can be turned off by going into the settings.

How about my location?

This is a pretty common question, and a valid one because you don't want to share your location with people even if they are on your friend list, for various security reasons. Your friends won't be able to see your location until you send them a gift. If you send a gift, it will showcase the stop that you got that gift from. You can remove your name from that gift as well, but they can still see you were the one to send it. If you are worried, consider sending gifts after you leave the area of that stop or removing that friend.

Everyone needs friends!

You may also need to add Pokemon GO friends to complete different field quests. The goal of this post is mainly to get other friends to add to the game, so leave a comment below with your trainer code.That way we can add you and continue playing despite the current times. Oh, and make sure you send all of the good stickers my way, as I really enjoy seeing them and never seem to have enough to send out.

It is incredibly useful to have some active friends on your list, so add your Pokemon GO friend code below in the comments and grab some new buddies to play with!

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Pokemon Go friend codes; What they are, how to find them, and a place to share them (4)Pokemon Go friend codes; What they are, how to find them, and a place to share them (5)

Pokemon Go friend codes; What they are, how to find them, and a place to share them (2024)


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