Shakespearean Sonnet - Poem Analysis (2024)

A Shakespearean sonnet is one of the best-known sonnet forms. Along with the Petrarchan sonnet, it is the most popular to this day. It is sometimes referred to as “Elizabethan” or “English,” but since Shakespeare used to with so much success in his 154 sonnets published after his death, it has become synonymous with his name.

Explore the Shakespearean Sonnet

  • 1 Structure of a Shakespearean Sonnet
  • 2 Rhyme Scheme and Meter of a Shakespearean Sonnet
  • 3 Examples of Shakespearean Sonnets
  • 4 Other Sonnet Forms
  • 5 FAQs
  • 6 Related Literary Terms
  • 7 Other Resources
Shakespearean Sonnet - Poem Analysis (1)

Structure of a Shakespearean Sonnet

The Shakespearean sonnet is fourteen lines long, as are all traditional sonnets. These fourteen lines are usually seen together in one stanza of text, but throughout time poets have chosen to break the structure up into stanzas. These are generally created with the basic form of the sonnet in mind. Even if the poem is contained within one stanza of text, for the purpose of analyses or simply in order to come to a better understanding of what the poet is saying, it can be separated into three quatrains or sets of four lines. These make up the bulk of the poem. They are then followed by a concluding couplet or set of two rhyming lines.

Rhyme Scheme and Meter of a Shakespearean Sonnet

The poem follows a consistent rhyme scheme that conforms to the pattern of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. The difference between the three quatrains and the couplet is clear.

Additionally, as isthe case in Petrarchan sonnets, this sonnet form uses iambic pentameter. This means that each line contains five sets of two beats. The first is unstressed, and the second is stressed. It sounds something like da-DUM, da-DUM.

Like all aspects of sonnets, poets have taken liberties with the meter and rhyme scheme. Even Shakespeare was not above changing things (adding a syllable, using an incomplete rhyme) every once in a while, although it was rare.

Examples of Shakespearean Sonnets

Astrophil and Stella 1 by Sir Philip Sidney

This series of poems was composed in the 1580s and contained 108 sonnets and eleven songs. The title of this sonnet, which is used (with changing numbers) for all the sonnets, refers to the two key characters of the sonnets. The first, Astrophil, or Astrophel, is the lover of the stars, and “Stella” is the star that he loves. These two characters were perhaps based on Sidney’s personal relationship with Lady Penelope Deveraux.

This first poem of the 108 Astrophil and Stella sonnets is written in the form of a Shakespearean or Elizabethan sonnet. Take a look at the first lines:

Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show,

That she (dear She) might take some pleasure of my pain:

Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know,

Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain,

The rhyme scheme of ABAB is immediately evident, signaling to the reader that this poem is going to follow a specific pattern. That is proven by the next lines that rhyme CDCDEFEFGG, the same rhyme scheme as an Elizabethan sonnet. Although not all of Sidney’s poems made use of this pattern, Sonnet 1 is a good example of his utilizing this form. The poem also makes use of themes that were common to the Shakespearean sonnet, love, creation, and dedication.

Discover more Sir Philip Sidney poems.

Sonnet 10: For shame deny that thou bear’st love to any by William Shakespeare

This sonnet is number ten of 154 sonnets that Shakespeare wrote during his lifetime. It belongs, as do the vast majority of the sonnets, to the Fair Youth sequence. This poem, and 125 others, were dedicated and directed to a young man. This person’s identity remains unknown to this day, although some scholars have made educated guesses. Whoever he was, he was young and beautiful and inspired the poet to some of his best work. This poem is written in the traditional form for which Shakespeare has become known and which is synonymous with his name. Take a look at the first two quatrains:

For shame deny that thou bear’st love to any,

Who for thy self art so unprovident.

Grant, if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,

But that thou none lov’st is most evident:

For thou art so possessed with murderous hate,

That ‘gainst thy self thou stick’st not to conspire,

Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate

Which to repair should be thy chief desire.

This poem is quite direct. It accuses the Fair Youth of murder because he is unwilling to have children. He’s, therefore, killing his own youth and the only chance he has of renewing his youth within a new body. This sonnet belongs to a series of sonnets that promote procreation. It also follows the rhyme scheme of ABABCDCDEFEFGG and uses iambic pentameter.

Read more William Shakespeare poems.

Shakespearean Sonnet by R.S. Gwynn

‘Shakespearean Sonnet’ is a contemporary poem that follows the traditional pattern of an Elizabethan, or as the title reveals, Shakespearean sonnet. The poem is incredibly creative and is intimately based on the works of William Shakespeare. Every line of the poem refers to a different play by Shakespeare. For example, here are the first four lines:

A man is haunted by his father’s ghost.

A boy and girl love while their families fight.

A Scottish king is murdered by his host.

Two couples get lost on a summer night.

Lovers of Shakespeare’s plays will immediately recognize the references to Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The lines also follow the rhyme scheme of an Elizabethan sonnet— ABAB. Later, the poet adds in the rest of the pattern as its traditionally used, creating the entire rhyme scheme of ABABCDCDEFEFGG.

Explore more R.S. Gwynn poems.

Other Sonnet Forms

There is more than one sonnet form that you’re likely to come across as a poetry lover. The Elizabethan sonnet is likely the most popular, but there are others to consider. They include:

  • Petrarchan sonnet
  • Miltonic sonnet
  • Curtal sonnet
  • Spenserian sonnet

Contemporary poets may use some elements of one sonnet form, like the concluding couplet or the rhyme scheme, and pass on using other elements.


Who is also known as the Elizabethan sonnet?

The Elizabethan sonnet is also known as a Shakespearean or English sonnet. Most examples of the sonnet form come from Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets he wrote about the Fair Youth and the Dark Lady.

What is an example of an Elizabethan sonnet?

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130,’ also known as ‘My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun,’ is an example of a Shakespearean sonnet. It uses the standard rhyme scheme and metrical pattern associated with the form.

What are the three main types of sonnets?

The three main types of sonnets are the Shakespearean, Petrarchan, and Spenserian. They are the three most popular types, with Shakespearean and Petrarchan being numbers one and two.

Related Literary Terms

  • End Rhyme: a common type of rhyme found in poetry. They occur when the last word of two or more lines rhyme.
  • Exact Rhyme:a literary device that’s used in poetry. It occurs when the writer uses the same stressed vowel or consonant sounds.
  • Closed Couplet: a pair of lines that are grammatically complete, or at least logically complete, on their own. They also usually rhyme.
  • Elizabethan Era: a literary period that lasted through the years of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, from 1558 to 1603.
  • Syntax: the rules that govern language. It is concerned with various parts of speech and the way that words are used together.
  • Volta: a turn or transition in a sonnet’s main argument, theme, or tone. There are Petrarchan and Shakespearean voltas.

Other Resources

Shakespearean Sonnet - Poem Analysis (2024)


Shakespearean Sonnet - Poem Analysis? ›

The first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man, often referred to as the Fair Youth, and express the poet's admiration, advice, and sometimes longing. The remaining sonnets, from 127 to 154, shift focus to a Dark Lady, exploring a more complex and tumultuous romantic relationship.

What is the Shakespearean sonnet and its analysis? ›

A Shakespearean sonnet is a poem that consists of fourteen lines divided into three quatrains and one heroic couplet. The lines will be written in iambic pentameter and there will be a strict rhyme scheme of ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG.

What is the message of Shakespeare's sonnets? ›

The sonnets cover such themes as the passage of time, love, infidelity, jealousy, beauty and mortality. The first 126 are addressed to a young man; the last 28 are either addressed to, or refer to, a woman. (Sonnets 138 and 144 had previously been published in the 1599 miscellany The Passionate Pilgrim.)

What is the main idea of the poem sonnet? ›

The sonnet is one of the most famous forms in English poetry. A poetic form is a type of poem: each form has its own “rules” and is associated with particular themes. Sonnets are associated with desire: for centuries poets have used the frame of the sonnet to explore the complicated human experience of romantic love.

What is the summary of a sonnet poem? ›

sonnet, Fixed verse form having 14 lines that are typically five-foot iambics rhyming according to a prescribed scheme. The sonnet is unique among poetic forms in Western literature in that it has retained its appeal for major poets for five centuries.

How to identify a Shakespearean sonnet? ›

Shakespearean sonnets have 14 lines, and they are divided into three 'stanzas' of four lines each, then a 'couplet' - two lines which bring the poem to a close.

What the sonnet is poem analysis? ›

A sonnet is a type of poem. Sonnets must be fourteen lines long and must be written in iambic pentameter with a strict rhyme scheme. There are three main types of sonnet: Petrarchan, Shakespearean and Spenserian. Petrarchan sonnets are formed from one octave and one sestet.

What is the outline of a Shakespearean sonnet? ›

The variation of the sonnet form that Shakespeare used—comprised of three quatrains and a concluding couplet, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg—is called the English or Shakespearean sonnet form, although others had used it before him.

What techniques are used in Shakespearean sonnets? ›

Shakespeare wrote sonnets in iambic pentameter, so that each line has ten syllables. The first twelve lines of a sonnet are divided into three quatrains of four lines each. The final two lines of the sonnet takes the form of a rhyming couplet.

What are the three major key components of a Shakespearean sonnet? ›

A sonnet is a form of verse with these main characteristics:
  • One stanza of 14 lines.
  • Usually written in iambic pentameter.
  • Structured in three quatrains (each with their own ABAB rhyme schemes) and a final couplet.
  • The final rhyming couplet often sums up or gives a surprising twist.

What were Shakespeare's sonnets mainly about? ›

Six additional sonnets appear in his plays Romeo and Juliet, Henry V and Love's Labour's Lost. Shakespeare's sonnets generally focus on the themes of love and life. The first 126 are directed to a young man whom the speaker urges to marry, but this man then becomes the object of the speaker's desire.

What is the easiest Shakespeare sonnet to understand? ›

If you're looking for something less common, I'd say sonnets 25, 90, 115 and 123 have fairly clear emotions and stories, which might make them easier than the more flowery, poetic sonnets.

Why are Shakespeare's sonnets special? ›

The complex and intriguing persona of the poet created by the language of the Sonnets, the pattern of emotions so powerfully sustained through the sequence, the sense of the presence of the aristocratic young man and the seductive dark lady—all are so strong that few editors can resist describing the Sonnets apart from ...

What is the story behind Shakespeare's sonnets? ›

Some of the Sonnets seem so intimately personal, not to say confessional, that I find it difficult not to see them as highly original poems that are autobiographical in origin and which Shakespeare wrote primarily for himself, to help him to clarify his mind and emotions about personal dilemmas and rivalries in love.

What are three characteristics of a Shakespearean sonnet? ›

A sonnet is a form of verse with these main characteristics:
  • One stanza of 14 lines.
  • Usually written in iambic pentameter.
  • Structured in three quatrains (each with their own ABAB rhyme schemes) and a final couplet.
  • The final rhyming couplet often sums up or gives a surprising twist.

What is the best definition of the Shakespearean Elizabethan sonnet? ›

a sonnet composed of three quatrains, typically with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef, and a final couplet with the rhyme gg; English sonnet.


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