Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

BROOKLYN TIMES UNION OCTOBER 19, 1933 3 THURSDAY- LA GUARDIA IN TWO FIGHTING POSES Text of La Guardia's Speech At Rally in New Utrecht H. S. MOTORISTS LOSE RIGHTJO DRIVE Maj. Fiorello H. La Guardia, Fusion candidate for Mayor, in a speech in New Utrecht H.

S. last night, hailed the decision of Gov. Lehman and the State Temporary street, gathered last night to hear members of the ticket plead th Fusion cause. More than 3,000 inside the building and 600 outside, almost wholly made up of Italians or those of Italian extraction, cheered lustily every mention of the name of Fiorello H. La Guardia, candidate toT Mayor, and, when he appeared, gave him a five-minute ovation Huch as has rarely been heard in the 19th A.

D. Equal in enthusiasm only to tha applause for La Guardia were the boos which greeted the name of Joseph McKee whenever one of the, speakers referred to him. -Mayor O'Brien's name was generally received in silence. The principal speakers, Raymond Ingersoll, nominee for Borough President; Bernard S. nominee for Aldermanic President, and Maj.

W. Arthur Cunningham, nominee for Comptroller, urged, first, the election of Maj. La Guardia. Then, pointing out the futility of putting him in office without adequate Bupport in the Municipal Assembly, they Emergency Relief Administration to reimburse city unemployment relief expenditures to the extent of 66 2-3 per and said that this policy would make it possible for him, if elected Mayor, to give the unemployed $10,000,000 or more a month without undue strain upon the city 1 F.l fj. PII! IS! in ill Ir i ment of any unemployed family of 'V I Jf rri i.i inrm Tt i.

JkJkt mS 4 some cash. 2. More relief stations. It is ridiculous that men should be com pelled to walk many railes without decent shoes on their feet to get a few rtennies. 3.

No reduction in relief pay-, onta iinlcen iliiira to plan, nrnnt menu unless there is clear proof of iincncial capacity for self-support. 4. The abolition of tho 'skip system of relief. It is inhuman to give unemployed men the 'run-around' from one relief agency to another, and then to drop them from the relief rolls when they are hanging in mid-air between agen cies, entirely destitute and hungry. a.

rent for unemployed families before thev are evicted, in stead of afterwards. The city has been toying with the agency of evicted families long enough. There is nothing more demoralizing, degrading and dangerous than uncertainty concerning a place for a family to sleep. 1 favor consolidation of the Home Relief Bureau, the Work Relief Bureau and the City Free Employment Bureau, in order to increase efficiency, save money, and speed up relief. 7.

I pledge myself to abolish all political favoritism both In giving out relief and in the promotion of relief workers. I will guarantee that relief workers shall be promoted on a basis of merit, regardless of their support of me in the coming campaign. I will not toler ate any favoritism In giving out food from the federal government. 8. I favor a voluntary central appeals board, composed of expe rienced men and women, with authority to hear and settle cases of injustice.

9. I favor immediate home re lief to emergency workers who art sick or injured. "I favor a gigantic public works program. Tammany has failed to take proper advantage of the great federal public works program of President Roosevelt. If elected Mayor I will take vigorous action for public works in the following projects: (a) A complete new system of sewage and garbage dis posal.

This system has been made mandatory by an order of the Supreme Court, but Tammany is still delaying; (b) build necessary schools, municipal courthousos and other public buildings; (c) com plete the subway system with the assistance of federal funds; (d) give Staten Island transit and freight connections with a new rapid transit system; (e) complete transit facilities for the Rocka ways; (f) launch a gigantic slum clearance program with federal funds that would put thousands of unemployed building trades woak- ers to work. "Such a program spells real economy. The city would obtain public works that it absolutely needs at 30 per cent less than nor mal cost and in addition obtain favorable terms at a low rate of Interest It would get public works and it wo Id save millions of dollars on relief, a double saving. Also we would get proper care of the unemployed." Back All Fusionists Is Plea in 19th A. D.

A crowd which filled every seat and occupied every available square inch of standing room in the Labor Lyceum, Wllloughby and Myrtle and then overflowed into the I asked lor the election of the whole Fusion ticket. M'lio Mm-nr The Mayoralty candidate, who arrived late in the evening, with County Leader Frederick J. H. Krackc and John R. Crews, leader of the Sixth A.

echoed the appeal for support of tho whole ticket. The interest of the crowd was 1 obviously pinned on Maj. La Uuardia. It had been waiting in the hall three hours when he ar rived. Others who spoke were Jacob Bartscherer, Republican leader of the l'Jth A.

who presided: James Musso. candidate for Alder man; Alexander Berlcy. candidate for the William R. Bayes, candidate for Supreme Court Justice: William M. Calder and Ernest C.

Wagner, candidate for Register. Also I. S. Commissioner Edward H. Fay, who represented Maj.

Walter E. Corwin. candidate for Sheriff; Alex Pisciotta, Leonard Piazza. Rosario Ingargiola, president of the Sons of Italy, Francis X. Glac-cone and Mrs.

Tina Caclcl. The latter three spoke in Italian. Ingersoll at Meeting In E. D. Cites Rackets Citing some of the revelations in the laundry racketeering trial as illustrations of conditions which he said had infested many in dustries in the city, Raymond V.

Ingersoll, Fusion candidate for Borough President, at a rally at th Eastern District H. Marcy ave. and Keap declared an entire change in the city government waa. necessary to purge the municipality. A great crowd, about 800 listening through loudspeakers outside tha building, heard the speakers at the rally under the auspices of tho Fusion organizations ot the Fourth, 13th and 14fh A.

Irving D. Lipkowitz. president of the Congress Club of the Fourth A. "Gangsters and racketeers are flourishing in all borough of the city," said Mr. Ingersoll.

"They are organized, control votes and have ample bank accounts. They know the weak spots in the Police Department, the District Attorneys' offices and the courts. They know which political attorneys to employ and they do not employ them for their knowledge of the law. "These conditions have developed over a period of years and do not depend on any one person or official. There must be improvement at many points in our governmental machinery- must have a better type of magistrates.

Police Department absolutely free from political interference and an aroused public opinion." U. S. Commissioner Martin C. Epstein, speaking for Ernest Wagner, candidate for Register, criticized Register Aaron L. Jae-oby for his debate challenge to Mr.

Wagner. "We asked Jacoby if he favored Hesterborg or Baker for Borough President, and he offered to hiro a hall for a debate but dodged the question," Commissioner Epstein said. treasury. Major La. Guardia continued: "Under the new plan of sharing relief burdens it is necessary to in crease the city's expenditures only one million dollars a month to bring the total moneys spent for the unemployed to $12,000,000.

The Welfare Council and other relief agencies have estimated $10,000,00 as the absolute minimum for the unemployed this winter. The Citizens' Commiti'e on Unemployment after many public hearings In which the sufferings of the unemployed were exposed, estimated that 815,000,000 a month was absolutely essential. "I cannot In advance of the circ*mstances predict what will be the actual need after I take office, but I pledge myself that the unemployed in this city, both married and single, will get adequate relief according to scientific, humane standards. "Surely a city which spends almost 850,000,000 a month can find one or two additional millions to bring the relief for the unempolyed up to a humane minimum. The generosity of the Federal and State governments In this new arrangement which gives the city $2 for every dollar It appropriates, mtftt be matched by the city properly assuming Its responsibility.

"Under Tammany, unemployment relief has been a disgrace. Political manipulation and favoritism have destroyed the morale of both the relief workers and the unemployed. The City Free Employment Bureau has not been properly coordinated with the relief agency of the city. A check of 35 field clerks and employes of the Home Relief Bureau, chosen during June and July, showed that 31 of them had defintie affiliations with Tammany clubs. Among them were men whose families had large incomes.

all this favoritism, Tammany has been giving an average New Tork unemployed family of four a food ticket of only $5.40 a week. This means an average of cents per person per meal. "If elected Mayor I pledge a thorough housecleaning in the De partment of Public Welfare and the selection of a Commissioner of Public Welfare who is trained in social service, free from all political connections or partisan pressure. "Even more important is the policy of public works that will give iobs to the unemployed. The expenditure of money for unem ployment relief is only a temporary thing to meet emergencies until employment is found.

I propose to save the city a large part of the money now spent on unemployment relief by co-operating with the Federal Government in a great public works program for JSew York. The Federal Government has been generous enough to provide an outright subsidy of 30 per cent on certain- public works projects and the city should take advantage of this generosity. My platform for cleaning up the unemployment situation consists of nine points: "1. Adequate relief, including some cash relief instead of all food tickets. It is cruel to expect an American family to live wlthofct any cash at all.

The State and the city should make possible the pay ilf Harry Shapiro, 17S9 Park pi. Nathan Felrtag, 248 Liberty ave. David Benzll, 1145 President sL Philip Ualsel, 18 Harrison pi. Ella Zogllwek, Sands Lane, Seaford. Joseph Segal, 457 Georgia ave.

Henrietta Fisteman, 472 Hendrix at. William J. Brown, 833 Gates ave. Robert J. Rockwell, 272 East Main Patchogue.

Mrs. Samuel B. Levlne, 2258 Ocean ave. Willow Hill Garage, Main Southold. Charles Plutz, 8112 Fourth ave.

Dayton Staubua, 6314 Fort Hamilton pkwy. George Halst, 409 Lincoln pi. Nicholas Mltarltonn. 432 Warren st. Alfred F.

Walker, 1700 Dean st. George Nottrodt, 165 Case Elmhurst. Arthur Mott, 168-04 110th Jamaica. Kurt Boestflelsch, 60-10 Clermont Maspeth. Dominick Misiano, 150-37 119th Jamaica.

John J. McAvoy, Beaver Dam Brook Haven. John Giacalone, 114 Maujer st. Carl DiGregorio, 136-61 38th Flushing. Peter Jessen, 406 48lh st.

Joseph Levine, 4500 Tenth ave. Ralph Crech, 2562 41st Astoria. Jacob Ferber, 2121 Belmont ave. William French, Little East Neck Babylon. Solomon Nierenberg.

2222 G4th st. John Trebach, 414 42nd Sunny-side. William Torarlnch, 43 Eait Pine Long Beach Jeremiah Kennish, Belmont r4. and Lex-lngton Babylon. i Henry Meyer, Bellmore Bellmore.

I Conrad J. Maurer, 9602 134ih Ozone Park. Herman Myron, 248 East 51st at. Erwlu C. Krause, 14U-25 ArJi Flushing.

Kaspar Grae, 683 Woodward ave. James M. Creamer, 61 tiJtwart st. Harry Freedman. 1863 Si-td St.

Sigurd Eriksen, 5010 Eighth ave. Preiser. 2125 East Kith st. John H. Shurtluff, C2-90 Wetherole Elmhurst.

Louis Mendea, 110-25 157th Jamaica. William Lewender, 30-46 45th Astoria. Vincent DeMasI, 6511 14th ave. Hugo T. Hansen, Front and Courtney Hemostead.

Thomas J. Long, S2P3 35th Island City. John E. Long, 350 Plymouth Brightwaters. Thomas J.

Ennis, 20 Reservoir Rockvlllii Centre. Antonio Amendolla, 1074 64th st. Procoplo Impastato, 33 Ave. X. Frank W.

Somers, 63 Walnut Long ave. ave. ave. Roekvllle Centre. Jacob Kornrelrh, 250 Madison st.

Benjamin Grossbardt, 5018 Ninth ave. Samuel Gerver, 2214 Ave. R. Salvatore Chiaramonte. 2T2 Third aw.

Evading Lawful FrMeeutioa John 8ussman, 1881 Carroll at. George M. Bhelgell, 91 Datum St. Hamuel Dchlezlnger, 1029 Elder avs. Bamuel Silverman, 6Ti2 Hendrt at.

Frank Papalexla, 2M1I 40th Astoria. David Drucker, 474 East 05th at, Frank Uyrgan, 8001 14th avs. Irelta Hay, JOHO East IBth It. Philip Levlne, 913 Ave. R.

Henry Chlever, 201 Stockton st. Antonio Abruco, 2027 West Ninth st. Anna Dlsclpolo. 491(1 Surf ave. Jacob Weiss, MU Hinsdale at.

Albert WeUler, 1044 6l)th at. George Hemlet, 7707 101t Ozone Park. Aaron Vend, 334 Floyd at. James Clncotta, 1915 West Sixth st. Vincent Maatroglacomo, 2022 East 18th st.

Ira Wlllick, East 27th at. Antonio Morelll, 1705 TSth at. John Battlpaglla, 1316 oth st. Max Aothman, 255 Hooper at. Florenso Ralolo, 14.11 Dahlll rd.

George Kahier, 1347 East 22d at. Michael Cumbrella, 66 Greene pi. Joseph Cloni, 123 Clermont ave. Max Schayer, 2083 78th at. Michael Scorcio, 44 Vanderbllt It Morria Koerner, 81 Rugby rd.

Charles Mandracchla, 25 Buabwlck ava, John Sllvsrman, 704 Ave. I. Jonaa Samersky, IMS 44th at. Irving Steinberg, 2477 85th at. Stanley Wyaokowshl 138 21st at.

i.uclcn Larlvlere, 373 South Fourth at. Jolin Lttto, 122 Jefferson ave. William Lleberman, 362 Linden blvd. Antonio Brucaro, 350 Clinton at. Robert G.

V. Gorlto, 207 North Sixth it. t'go Mauro, 1060 71st St. William Kronen, 9 Mill st. Nathan Kranx, 2334 East 14th St.

Charlea Hertx, 1017 50th stl Harold F. Kunkel, 2127 Eaat Fifth at, Ulln E. Dunn, 99-22 202d Hollls. Adam Blldxukevlteh, 274 Garfield pi. Harry Goldberg, 084 East 91st at.

Daniel Blxxo, 640 17ts st. Harry Koch. 2940 Ocean ave. Frank Ignerl, 2770 Harway ave, Earle Klvaak, 179 Marcy ave. Philip Kaufman, 4508 Avenue Ellglo Paacual, 716 Bedford ave.

Albert A. Foil, 445 65th at. George Daniels. 846 Rockaway ave. William 8.

Brennan, 115 Ocean ave. Failure to file proof at ownership: Mary Tanzllll. 534 47th L. I. City.

Walter Murray, 47 Miller Merrick. Harry A. Ordway, 20 Sherman at. Leo J. Stewart, 102-22 Queens Forest Hills.

Gurlnsky 4- O. Dmltrowsky, 111 Forest Roekvllle Centre. Walter H. Davenport, 24 Vail North-port. Charlea 2.

Goldstein, 12 Plymouth Mlneola. Gordon T. Rennick, 467 Pacific at. Sunrise Food Market, lfl Brooklyn Valley Stream. Alfred Delia, 1946 Dean at.

Failure to File Official elghmaeter's Certificate Thomas Tagllarlnl, 67-30 Brown's Maspeth. Benjamins 87th at. Home Battery Service 480 Court at. Rubel 935 Fulton st. Mariano Mastromarlno, 359 Prospect pi.

Allie Hooper, 27-22 Eighth Long Island City. Edward Frothlngham, 86-44 94th Woodhaven. Henry Gewtrtz, 199 Hooper at. Failure to Satisfy Judgment Charles Gregory, 31 Van Sicklen Floral Park. Vlrta L.

Dunlop, 12 Van Buren Floral Park. John Icke, 19-53 Hazen Jackson Heights. Theodore Sassl, 95 Sanford at. Louis Rosenblatt. 1575 President st.

Louis Kaplan, 429 Sutter ave. Emile DeSalvo, 4237 65th Woodslde. Peter Stone. 83 Grafton st, Agnes McLean, 3548 95th Jackson Heights. James McLean, 3548 95th Jackson Holghts.

Bernard Gottlelh, 22 Hampton pi. Arthur F. Bergmann, 672 Scranton Tynbrook. Philip Sorln, 947 51st st. Jerome Harrlgan, 27 John Lynbrook.

Joseph Felt, 158 Broadway. Henry Burlan, 6924 3Rth Wlnfleld. Hyman Gnrflnkel, 97-09 Van Wyck, Richmond Hill. Harold Gnrflnkel, 97-09 Van Wyck Richmond Hill. Abraham Greenberg, 1363 East New York ave.

Samuel Greenberg, 1S03 Eaat New York ave. Ethel Abrams, 1711 E. Third at. Michael Marlneln, 178-03 Sheffield Springfield. Louis Adler, 859 42d st.

Murray Bannerman, 684 Wvthe ave. Jacob Turkish, 130 South Second st. Max Levy, 1077 St, Johns pi. Helen Cavanaugh, 6,257 Allerton Elmhurht, Hyman Miller, 113-05 lberty Richmond Hill. Louis Miller, 113-0 Liberty Richmond Hill.

Florence E. Abbott, 1,893 Stockholm Rldgewood. George Kane 268 Bennett Hempstead. George Kano 268 Bennett Hempstead. Ludwlg Relchert, 80-01 97th Ozone Park.

Harry Charles Hayden, 518 Flatbush ave. Charles Collins, 4.112 Foster ave. Charles Collins. 4.112 Foster ave. John Delflno, 1.15 Tehama st.

William J. Collins, 102-05 103d Ozone Park. Manuel Stark, 1.108 Bedford ave. John Galvanl, 118 Harrison ave. Walter Raldlssarn 280 Rutledgc at.

Carmln Russo, 478 60th st. Louise Mastromarlno, 289 Third ave. Failure to Paw Additional Fee Joseph F. McCarroll, 123-34 Inwood South Ozone Park. Max Modelman, 411 Jerome at.

Eleanor Blumberg, 091 Wllloughby ave. Thomas Fine, 425 Rockaway ave. Elemla Kahn, 1,692 Eastern pkway. William J. Bennett, 1,833 Dean at.

Peter J. Nlcaatro, 2,900 Crescent Long Island City. Julius Davla, 1,218 East Seventh st. James Mallilo, 04-37 Way Corona. Daniel Rlzxl, 571 lt7h st.

Minnie L. Koeppel, Prospect Cen-terport. Harry Klesenman, 1,553 Weat Eighth at. Samuel Fogel, 1,063 Sheepshead rd. Howard Emerson, 2,820 West 19th st.

Frederick Mlddendort, 9,154 90th Woodhaven. Edward F. Connerton. 8.69 15th ave. Rube Goldberg, 1,455 64th at.

Milton Rosensteln and Herbert Naftal, Far Rockaway. Glory Transportation 72 Huntington at. Irma Blakely, 179 Columbia Heights. Abraham Rubin, 111 Van Buren st. Wllllamsburgh Trailer Service, 61 South at.

Alice LaTourettt, Molts lane, Glenwood Landing. Mary D'Alessandero, 26 Woodhull, at. Anna Katz, 354 South Second at. David Koslln, 307 East 64th at. Sadie Pashoft, 125 Iloff at.

Harry Flaxman, 2945 Weat Fifth at. John Wright, 992 Pacific at. Edward Marten, 1152 Lenox rd. Calcedonio Mampaal, 2032 West Fourth at. John Cerrone, 388 Liberty ave.

Abraham BurlckBon, 1577 St. Marks ave. Katherino Flrschllla, 2020 83d rd. Failure to Notify Bureau ef Change of Addresa Mae Schwartz, 462 East 45th st. David Friedman, 4314 Snyder ave, Robert Mlnuth, 131 Joralemon st.

James W. Ormsby, 110 Ninth Garden City. Samuel Moss, Clark Amltyville. Edward Seville, 10702 Lefferts Richmond Hill. Foay Schuster, 1540 Ocean ave.

Henry E. New field, 214-61 Jamaica ave, Queens. Michael Ray, 3435 100th Corona. Joseph Kudler, 141 Rodney at. Maurice A.

Reiser, 2738 Eaat 19th it. Bertrand G. Desmond, 118-10 12th College Iolnt. Frederick Schelnblum, 1958 Coney Island ave. Charlea Fischer, 1130 Jefferson ave.

Amoa Hope, (IflOl Bay pkwy. Benjamin Bapadln, Kim Coplague. Angela Curci, 146-31 23d White-atone. Benjamin Baum, ,1180 84th Astoria. Henry 1.

Shaw, 136-46 37th Hushing. Raymond Lee Perez, 42-02 157th Flushing. Elizabeth Felgenbaurn. 3160 34th As-torla. William DeWItt, 11008 Jamaica Richmond Hill.

Ida Horowitz, 2862 Weat 30th St. Frederick Fisher, 10 Huntington Huntington. Martin C. Fox, 210 St. Nicholas are.

Igan Talley, Northport. Michael Panlcola. 114 Maujer at. license Irregularly Issued Thomas Donovan, 817 Cherry Flushing Wh Jac'icsen Heignts. Max Lerner, 2451 65th st.

Ludwlg ostendorf, 150 Schaeffer at. Andrew -42 West 2ffth SU Albert Lucchesl, 281 Pearl at. Joseph DePalma, 2.182 West Third St. Gulseppe Rlvieccio, 2422 West Third sL John Llpoff, 4'18 Eajt 4th st. Walter Heubach, 1565 East 13th St.

Alvln Rubrecht, 112 Hazel Bellmore. Rattaele Rlvieccio, 242 West Third sL Amadeo Meringolo, Wansor Bay-vine. George Friedman, 524 Saratoga ave. Andrew Hay, Canal ave. Henry Rolufe, 1438 Broadway.

Harinan Roth, 4H East vim at. Margaret A. Fox, Piandome Park, Plandome. Charles Gerald, 156 Merrick Roekvllle Centre. Frank Gruberth, 52-59 69th Maspeth.

Filippo Contomo, 57 St. Nicholas ave, Finn Guidjord, Wantagh. Nathan Simon, 210 East 51st st. George Van Grieken. 320 Columbia st.

Albert Andrews, 148-19 Linden Lynbrook. Joseph Morales, 2259 West C8th st. Leon Marlgsa, 151 Sand at. Charlea Varady, 111-27 loath Jamaica. John Banker, 1205 Beverly rd.

John Monk, 7105 Harrow Forest Hills. Richard Benes, 42-33 66th Woodslde. Salvatore LaFata, 417 Lake st. Frank Peters, Huntington Station. Failure to Tile accident report: l-Yank Schaefer, 1i-2 Harmon st.

Irving Chlrltn, 1448 East 98th at. lloiuon tioldsiem. 32.1 Georgia ave. Robert Daily, 235 Jeanette Inwood. Mollis Amsterdam, East Main Bay Shore.

Max Stauber, 151 East Main Bay Shore. Meyer Grelf. 96 South Second st. -Ezra Kotcher, 4422 Snyder ave. Levi Culler.

2506 Abermerle rd. WOMAN HIT WITH BOTTLE Chair Also Uied "Beer Cleaner" Is Accused. Pips Charles Svenson, 48. of 318 39th st, a "beer pipe cleaner." was to have a hearing today In Bay Ridge Court, on a felonious assault charge He is accused of having beaten Mrs. Adela Kosky 867 Third with a bottle and a chair, fracturing her right hand, during an altercation in apartment at 4224 Fifth Oct 16.

Mrs. Kosky Is in Kings County Hospital. 1 Ellen Brennan, 352' 777 I 47 Revocations and 916 Sus pensions in N. Y. City and Vicinity.

Albany, Oct 19. The Commis sioner of Motor Vehicles rovoked or suspended 1,186 certificates of automobile registration and driving licenses during the three weeks ended Oct. 7. Of these cases 250 will requir. proof of financial responsibility before applications for new licenses will be considered.

There Were 47 revocations and 916 suspensions in New York City and vicinity, and 86 revocations and 138 suspensions In other parts of the State. the Manhattan and Brooklyn districts 22 of the suspensions were for failure to file omnibus bonds, the names of those Involved not be ing published. The other cases were as follows: Driving Cur While lntoikatn) Oorce Walter Schulu, 41 Illinois Ixinl Beach. lone- lcvy, bw uratmei oouievaru, der rick. Benjamin Mays.

S.a Kcrgen si. Handulf Norland, 10 Third pl Jacob Post, II Koosevelt RooKSvelt. Anna Collins, 89-10 187th Hollls. Tmatiun P. Noonan.

23 Terrell liorkvllle Centre. Barclay liottlmer, 1U uaraen City. Matthew Hennessey, warren Elmhurst. John Wayne Loveland, 1H-10 iin Jackaon Heights. Oscar Bnanson, II Thoreau eu- more.

Joho Joseph Holton, Anthony een- morc. William J. Hollins, Jackson uaraen City Park. Stanlev Komarawskl. Eighth at.

and Central Garden City Park. Lawrence Wright, Gunlewood Old Westbury. Leaving the Scene of Accident Without neporruii. Lewis Boliaffer, 228 Pulaski St. David 8.

Pavies, Main Centre Moriches. Frank Mllano, Port Jetierson. James Crump, East Moriches. Reckless Driving. Robert Bain, 77 Walnut Inwood.

Samuel JU Dickinson, Mastic Beach. Failure to ray Registration Fee. Krauss, 101-12 40th Corona. Eleanor Hills, HiU East S'ii at. lawyers Service Corporation, 90 Court st.

Failure to give proof of financial responsibility! Thomas Vetera, 150-10 Yates Ja maica, Leonardo Morlzlo, 475 Hustling ave. Morris Irfbenberg, Conimack. Loon Cutler, Morton Oceanslde. Henry Norman, Kosciusko at. Walter Olsen, 17 Hill Glen Head.

Saul Hershenhart, 105-35 102d Ozons Park. Paul E. Kingston, 604 Liberty East Wtlliston. Ida Hlldcbrand, Tsui Kiogo divo. Frank Touchette.

113-01 Liberty Richmond Hill. Samuel Trulo, ziu ueacn oom kock- away Beach. Alexander Woodward, Merrick Babylon. Michael N. Hoffman, Mis Avenue in.

Thomas Davidson Lewis, 110-10 Springfield Queens Village. Alfred Pennlno, 110 New Smith In- wood. Arnold Frederick Knoi, funsion ai- bertson. George Krahtls, Cornwall Maiverno. Arthur J.

Avery, lag Patchogue. John K. Flaherty, bUO Concord Wli-liston Park. Marlon D. Walters, 35-30 S12th Bay- aide.

Antonio Tcdesco. lXi uiinion ave. Alvln T. Lowe, 125 Halleck Glendale. Robert Williams, 8929 219th Queens Village.

Morris Winkler, 1M9 Grove Far rtockaway. Herman Irfderman, JOO Maple Roekvllle Centre. William C. Mere, 1H02 Hanco*ck St. Michael Bnyder, Boundary Hlcks-ville.

Max Damasker, 603 East 9fith at. Albert Ryerson, Flushlnif. Sharper J. Bobinson, 9 Chester Long Beach. Paul Hennlcke, D5-24 90th Elmhurst.

Albert Sorenson, 0320 Sixth ave. Reckless driving: Thomas J. McOulre. S215 East 24th it. Cecelia Orth, 61.18 47th st Woodslde.

Peter Fill, J7 94th Jackson Heights. John Dlckerson, Northern Great Keck. Simeon Albert. 2S09 84th st Dennis L. Shelton, 2ft" Henry St.

Martin L. Conroy, 7 Oak West Hempstead. John McQueen, 62 Banks Roekvllle Centre. Irving Levin, 20r0 70th St. 2-Trouser Fall Suits Styled and Priced for Today's Ideas Fabrics woven to withstand the strain of business wear and styled to meet the reuireinent of semi-dress occasions.

Newest shades. 35 with extra trousers Shirts Neclrwear I J. COM! MnnaK.T I'ulton Street at DeKalb Ave. East 43th Street, at 5th it farfift Times Union Photo. Here is the standard bearer of the Fusion party, Major Florello H.

La Guardia, fci two typical fighting poses, as he forced home his arguments on the unemployment problem to an audience in New Utrecht High School last night "Pay rent for unemployed persons before they are evicted, not afterward," was the Major's advice. George Conrad, lo5 Saratoga ave. Blanche Harris, 615 Eastern Parkway. Edward Herrmann, 1616 Fulton st, Samuel Brown, 281 Throop ave. Patrick Barker, 715 Henry at.

Sidney Katzman, 1434 East Fourth at. Angelo Sciabaraal, 30-36 14th Astoria. Maurice Katzln, 5123 Beverly rd. William iminermann, 143 Merrick Amttyville. Hyman Gottlelb, 420 Grand at.

William Falovitch, 311 Hlpkinson ave. Anthony Guzzettl, 1357 44th at. Ernest Esposlta, 2161 Ryder st. Irving Rosenberg, 22 Scholes at. Salvatore Ferris, 796 Bedford ave.

Benjamin Guttadauro, 2319 WeBt 12th at. William Randel, 69 Liberty ave. George J. Fraser, 388 Douglass st. William Ertrachter, 314 Kosciusko St.

Salvatore Sciaratta, 704 Crescent at. Frank Manno, 211 Essex st. Floyd E. Woolsey, 112 Arthur Garden City. John Face, 13301 131st South Ozone Park.

Raymond Korkun, 18 Franklin Great Neck, Armin V. Graeb, 66 North Maple West Hempstead. Hannah Grant, 941 Washington ave. John F. Manning, 661 Tenth st.

Charles Turvllle, 1004 Fulton at. Patrick Geslno, 437 Clinton st. Benjamin Moskowitz, 620 Crown St. Jesse Lager, 1160 New York ave. Lino Passera, 1541 70th at.

Ralph Bassolino, 179 Classon ave. Saverlo Leone, 127 Jefferson ave. Frederick Johansen, 42-43 147th Flushing. Lawrence Parashnlkoff, 315 New York avenue. Peter L.

Behrendt, 70 Main Southampton, Charlea J. Walsh, 40 Crulckshank Hempstead. John K. Kllpatrlck, 3427 Union Flushing. Jane Elder, 64 Garden Apartments, Forest Hills.

August Floeck, 117-14 Newport KOCKaway i'arK, Albert J. Roberts, 24 Linden at. Philip Rubin. 62 Hoff St. Robert Appleton.

Eaat Hampton. Gulseppe De Palma, 7204 18th ave. Luther Rogers, 12 Charles Port Washington. Walter Teichgraber, 2465 38th Astoria. Vincent Locastro, 106-19 49th Corona.

Frank Zago, 265 Jefferson ave. Joseph Wlttemann, 18 Davenport Bellmore. Joseph Nataro, 27 Van Dam at. John Cohen, 1430 55th st. Erwln 8chmld, 618 McDonough at.

Mario Ionldes, 1113 Bioko ave. Thomaa Boyle, 256 Gates ave. Willard Burton, 14ti5 East 63d St. Blanchard Wllloughby Brown, 1583 East 47th at. Anselm Berman, 30-21 41st Astoria.

Carmelo Conli, 110 Ave. T. Max Slobodow, 134 Manhattan ave. Raymond G. Stiles.

15-12 123d College Point. Harry Slegel, 4028 Purf ave. Abraham Sapadln, 64 Tompkins ave. John J. Scherer, 2021 West st.

Herbert Wolofsky, 1397 West Second St. Samuel Oalnofsky. 1568 Sterling pi. May C. Nlckerson, 26 Bragg ct.

Richard N. Cavieelolo, 30 Westminster rd. Anthony Caterlno, 120 Corona Corona. Denton M. Fonzo, 142-13 231at Laurelton.

Sylvia Schenker, 134 Beach 36th Eflgemert. Minnie Feltham. Sill oath mt hurst. Joseph B. Airman.

'1839 70th st. Harry Meyerson, 223 Lenox rd. Gustavo w. Anderson, Kmithtown Branch. Rudolph Albert, 441 Wvthe ave.

Frank Collins, 111-01 "Rockaway Ozone Park. Francis p. Clmlncra, 50 Preston Port Washington. Willis L. Staler, 4706 88th Elmhuret.

Frederick Stiwab, 458 East Second at. Leo Peterson, 481 85th at David Srhelner, 237 Kaat 95th st. Isidore Temkln, 2934 Third st. John J. Logue, 106-80 97th Ozone Park.

Emllllo Lucchettl, 150-42 Tates Jamaica. Herman Kaplan, 299 Hinsdale at. Samuel Segall, 457 Georgia avs, Gulseppe Pescle, 1527 West 11th at, York C. Wing, 787 Grand St. James T.

Cleary, 317 South Fifth St. Jamea Sylvester. 215 Adams st. George Ssttcr, 2951 Ave. P.

Bedford Williams. 37 Wstklns st. Arthur Monteferrante, 1646 77th at. S. Mulford Cohen, 131 Lincoln rd.

Prank Durando, 2138 Second Astoria. Luigo Guldo Ottaviano, 2244 81st St. Benjamin Strober, 6017 17th ave, Gilbert S. Nelson, 80-33 32d Long Island City. Harry J.

Dwyef, 83-20 Pettlt Elmhurst. Moe Goldstein, 1822 Bast 12th St. Nicola Leonardls, 411 Lnrlmer at. Jamea Giordano, 1116 S8lh at. Deddoro Cutvlo, 220 Graham ave.

Minnie J. Esposlto, 69 Arlelgh Great Npsul J. Hlghey, 05 Kecne Floral Park Samuel Oehacher. 1120 56th St. OttOj Schulze, 150-17 114th Ja- mRobert S.

Jones, 8513 Forest Woodhaven. Evelvn M. Mendervllle, 83-5,) 118th Richmond Hill. John T. Manning.

153ft Fst 81st at. Henry Oerdta. 1774 Kast STth st. George O. Grard, 65 Bay Klghth st.

Joseph Btanlslowlcz. 258 Wycwoff are. Remold Kath, 21 Malona Franklin 8quare. Bruno Strauss. B05 Ijifayette ave.

John Welir. 10511 North Lake aye. John Sakovlch, Temple larael. 100 Broad- jMserMrMarkel. 66 Deepdale Great Neck Aron Hanaman, 100-44 New York 'Nicholas Ferruoci, 73 Minnesota Long Beach.

BUth sve. T.lnns Johnson. 81-36 8tllh Jackson Heights. Onll Ronx, Huntington. Austin A.

Clsrk. 957 Dahlll rd. Harry Javnrek, 23-74 S9lh Astoria, Michaels DIUIullo, 24.10 Kast 11th at. John K. Gee, Rtverhead.

Masatord H. Kamel, Oyster Ray. Holicit Falawsky, I Ave. Port Washington, Milion Miller, 1865 President el. Henry Miller, Prospect pi.

Kmll Nelson, 82-60 116th Kew John H. L. Ohland, 187-11 101st Jamaica. John Flegelman, 649 Blake ave. James Ituaao, 288-21 st.

Philip Jackson, 22-21 Crescent Astoria, Jus-ph Itlum, 115 Fort Green pi. Michael L. Colandono, IStki Coney Island ave. Amsdeo Velea. 260 Keap at.

Ilalpli Nathansnn, M5 Autumn ave. Jaume Slack, 914 I'retlriVnt St, Nathan Hlraun, Hi st. Albert Mittlrnian. 1'-'8 Ht, Edwards at. Abrelnai Ji.fi'iiiJ4 JJ'SJS'ia jt MANGLED lUr-WlETC If 4 r-i How are YOUR nerves Don't let jangled nerves make childhood unhappy If things don't seem to be going so well if money is on your mind if you worry then look out.

Watch your nerves. Get your full mount of sleep. Eat regularly and sensibly. Find time for recreation. And smoke Csmcls for Camel's costlier to-baceot never ret on your nerve.

When we suffer from jangled nerves we don't realize how harshly we speak. We wonder why we lose the love and respect of those who arc close to us. That's tho real danger of jangled nerves the victim so seldom knows. And the more high-strung andair you are, the greater the danger. RllQr I Hjtr.

dn tk, tut i 26 stconJ.t I COSTLIER TOBACCOS Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand of cigarettes! May Elizabeth Wagner, 454 East Fulton Long tieaccn. Max Joaephart, 190 Bay 84th at. Harold J. Beardell, 310 Windsor pi, David Lleberman, 223 Kast 94th at. Alfred Howe.

East Hampton. Zacharle Rlopeh, 46 Summit Oyster Bay. Harry Kantor, 6909 78(h Middle Haaei Snyder, 104-89 142d Jamaica. David Rosenbenr. 1864 Weat Fifth at.

Samuel H. Rlech, 130-40 226th Laurelton. Emanuel Oakes, 470 Waverly ave. Samson F.lchler, 1329 63d at. Jaua Conde, 139 Henry st.

Samuel Greensteln, 2184 Kaat Eighth at Roper H. tlravson, 530 HI. Tsui's pi. a i 1 1 1 taOt AT.tf. mi Philip DIBIase, 2314 29th Astoria.

Carlytt Imbdln, west nayvine. James Ixird. luo Bedford ave. (trace Sherman, 03-03 T7th Mlddlo mnite. fieujamln Mok, 293 Eaat 94th at.

John Welu, Jay Maspeth. Chin O. Hln, U4t Klatbuah ave. heater Hsvne, l.l Heiven St. HhalM illiams, 17l V-aat Eighth St.

Jeremiah IKS? Gatea av. Jsla frSJ f'- THEY NEVER GET ON YOUR NERVES I.

Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.