What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (2024)


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17 Nov 2014

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What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (2)

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17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

64 pts



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十人十色 is the expression in Japanese. It just means everyone is different and has their own way of doing things and living.

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (4)

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17 Nov 2014

  • Japanese

1K pts



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Thanks hakohead! Is this expression natural or frequently used in conversations? Also, is there any other way to express this word?


17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

28 pts



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What hakohead said. It's usually said when comparing interests/tastes/opinions.

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (12)

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17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

6 pts



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To be quite honest, i've never heard it that way. I always thought the expression was "different strokes from different folks."

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (19)

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17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

64 pts



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I've never heard the expression with "from". We do have other sayings that mean about the same thing but we don't use them so much. For example "no two snowflakes are the same"

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (26)

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17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

6 pts



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OOOOOOOH I like that expression!

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (33)

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17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

373 pts



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"To each his own" is an older way of saying this.

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (40)

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17 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

696 pts



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"To each their own" is also synonymous with it - they essentially mean "I find what you're doing strange, but I respect that everyone likes different things".

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (47)

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18 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

84 pts



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I've also heard 'whatever floats your boat'.

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (54)

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18 Nov 2014

  • English (US)

696 pts



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Yup! That too.

What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (61)

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What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (68)

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What does "different strokes for different folks" mean? Is there any other expression equivalent to this? (2024)


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