Shift Up Estimates Stellar Blade Has Sold Over 1 Million Units, PC Version in Review (2024)

Shift Up Estimates Stellar Blade Has Sold Over 1 Million Units, PC Version in Review (1)

by William D'Angelo , posted 1 day ago / 1,961 Views

Developer Shift Up at an IPO press conference held today revealedStellar Bladehas sold over an estimated one million units since its release.

"After its release, Stellar Blade recorded the highest user rating of 9.2 on Metacritic, the highest ever among PS5 titles, and is still maintaining this rating," said Shift Up CFO Jaewoo Ahn(via Google Translate). "Since its launch, it has ranked first in sales in major console markets such as the US and UK, and cumulative sales are estimated to have exceeded 1 million units."

The studio teased a PC version of the game is currently in development but due to a contract are not able to give any details on when it would release.

Shift Up Estimates Stellar Blade Has Sold Over 1 Million Units, PC Version in Review (3)

"We are currently reviewing the PC version of Stellar Blade, and we expect that the IP value will increase once more when the PC version is released," said the CFO.

Shift Up CEO Kim Hyung-Tae added, "We are currently reviewing the Stellar Blade PC version, and since we are under a contractual relationship, please understand that we cannot tell you the exact timing or availability."

Stellar Bladereleased for the PlayStation 5on April 26.

Thanks, GameMeca.

A life-long and avid gamer,William D'Angelowas first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his ownYouTube channelandTwitch channel. You can contact the authoron Twitter@TrunksWD.

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TheLegendaryBigBoss (1 day ago)

Quite good for a new ip. Hope PC port comes soon

  • +9

dane007 TheLegendaryBigBoss (1 day ago)

  • -15

Such an amazing game, I hope it continues to sell well into the future. No doubt the PC version is being worked on and will come out in due time, as being a Sony-published title, it will probably follow the usual rules for them (12-18 months after PS5 release).

  • +6

Leynos (1 day ago)

Deserves way more

  • +6

smroadkill15 (1 day ago)

Solid for a new IP.

  • +4

LivncA_Dis3 (21 hours ago)

It's a stellar game!

Still playing it!

Doing all side quest lol

  • +3

haxxiy (1 day ago)

Coincidentally very similar to Bayonetta 3's numbers.

  • +3

VMCJonCarter (23 hours ago)

Just do a PC Version

  • +2

BraLoD (1 day ago)

Definitely should get a PC port.

  • +2

JRPGfan (18 hours ago)

Word of mouth is pretty good for this one, Like everyone says its a great game. User score on metacritic is high. I think it'll have decent legs, and keep selling well for a while yet. Once a PC port is made, and it gets another push of marketing,.... It'll keep going.

  • +1

firebush03 (21 hours ago)

Very impressive numbers. Certainly wasn’t expecting it to do this well (being a new IP). Congrats to SU!

  • +1

G2ThaUNiT (1 day ago)

Wait, I thought the game sold 1 million copies in the first 24 hours. Did sales just crater after the first day or something?

  • 0

NextGen_Gamer G2ThaUNiT (1 day ago)

That was never announced. Not sure which game you are thinking about, but this is the first sales update on Stellar Blade. Up until now, we just saw how it performed on the charts in various regions. I know in Japan it crossed 100k physical copies though, since those charts also show sales.

  • +4

G2ThaUNiT NextGen_Gamer (1 day ago)

No it was Stellar Blade. But yeah it looks like it was mainly speculation that was spreading online. Terrible source though being Zuby tech of all online console warriors lol. I should've known it was BS when I saw his name come up

  • +4

NextGen_Gamer G2ThaUNiT (1 day ago)

haha, Yeah don't trust him lol. I was hoping the game would be a higher point by now in sales, so hopefully word of mouth gets it going further. I also hope that everything the dev has done so far is appreciated: getting the New Game+ mode out on day 1, all of the outfits released so far for free, the Boss Rush mode being added for free, and a good stream of updates on bug fixing and balance tweaks. Those are things that might be taken for granted in an Insomniac Games or Santa Monica Games release, but those are massive AAA studios, and seeing Shift Up do it is awesome.

  • +1

SanAndreasX G2ThaUNiT (22 hours ago)

That was just what the Internet culture warriors championing Stellar Blade were claiming.

  • +2



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Shift Up Estimates Stellar Blade Has Sold Over 1 Million Units, PC Version in Review (2024)


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