The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

A A -HOUSE TO PUROHASE A snug dwelling close to Fulton st, anywhere from Sands to Adelphi. worth from 85,000 to 86.000; must be bargain; balf cash. Address PURCHASER, Bor 11, Kagle office. WANTED let-As I have constant calls for such, AND parties will do well by airing tha saine to RICHARD MARX. Real Estate Exchange, No.

8 Willoughby st. the most prominent stand in the city. WANTED first April, a FOR comfortable CASH, house, with OR stable: location must be Arst class in every with all respect within oasy access of the ferries. Reply particulare, othorwise unnoticed, to Box 818, N. Y.

P. 0. TANTED-HOUSE-FOR A PERMIAnont tenant, a family of adults; must be a moderate distanco from the ferries; house to be three stories, with modern improvements, and the rent not to excoed 8500: nome size of house and number of rooms. Addreas J. D.

P. 0. Box 1,834, New York. basem*nt house, all modern improvemente, A 3 STORY AND near the City Hall and desirable location: will be perms: nont if suited: terma from 8403 to 8200 por A good given. Address for two days WANTED HOUSE, Eagle office.

WANTED a small family, TO story basem*nt frame, briok or stone house, in good order. with improvements; also May or before, of the upper rants part of guad house, 4 to 6 rooms, by a family four: paid monthly in advance, and highest reference Addross, with fall particulars and lowest figures, REDUOLD RENTS, Kagle office. WANTED -ROOM WANTED or rooms, ANTED-ROOMS-FURNISHED unconnected. barroom, A whara n. party of twenty gautlemen can picet on Thursday evenings for two or three bours, in the vicinity of Cum berland at, and Myrtle av.

State accommodation and lowest rent roquired to LARGE ROOM. Eagle olice. BOARDING. BOARD let, with or LARGE without board: AND a good SMALL and substantial table. Apply at 3.8 Livingston st.

BOARD st: desirable THE refined board home. aud HEIGHTS-66 the freedom LIV- and comfort of a quist and gentleman and SOUTH gentlemen; OXFORD ST, FOR terms moderate. board, at very moderate prices. Pacific el. -Pleasant rooms, I neatly furnished, with ON THE 113 BOARD ROOMS conveniences, ON tolet, with SECOND good board; FLOOR, also, room third floor, at 148 Clinton st.

CLINTON AVENUE TWO pleasant rooms to lot. Apply at 401 Clinton ay, third dour frous Greene. PLEASANT CONNECT: ing rooms on scoond floor, with first claag bosed: all Improvements; convenient to cars and forries. 266 Union st, noir Clintou. THE HEIGHTS-163 JORalemon st--Pleasant second floor back room, with side vlow on Clinton at: pleuty of closets: also nice ball rooms for single gents: terme moderato, THE HEIGHTS- NO.

224 Honry st, near Remsen; pleasant large back room on third floor, with ample closet room and all improvemonta, to ront, with board; referoncos exchanged, 2 DOARD-NO. 34 GREENE AV, Carlton Three pleasant connecting rooms on socond floor, wall furnished; ample closet room; oither for gentlomon and their wives or slaglo gentlemen. LIVINGSTON ST, NEAR Gallatin placo -large and sinall rooms, or connected, handsomely furalshod, to let, with first class board: location, terms, unexceptionable. OARD-TO LET, WITH BOARD, AT 380 Pearl st, noar Willoughby, handsomely furnished second story roomy to one or tiro also modations for table boned. TO LET WITH OR without board.

la a conroniont locality and at verr low rates, Addresa, for further particulars, GENIAL, Lag'e office. THE HILL--NO. 81 FORT Greens place -Good substantial board; pleasant rooms on the sucond floor, suitable for single gentlomeu or gentloman and wife; roferoncos exohangad. LIVINGSTON ST- TO LET, nicely furnished front ramn on third floor. with large closat, to one or two gentlomen: good board and hom*o comforts; house desirably located; terms low to permanont partios: rolarences.

BOARD ON Clermont. Large handsomely furnished THE HILL-70 GREENE front ronni contuining ample closuta and evory modora imnprovoment, to be lot with board; also ball root. Houso and location unexceptionab'e; refereacas If requrad. DOARD-302 CLINTON ST HAND. somely furnished communicating, rooms.

large clot. ets, hot and oo'd muy be hind with bonnt, in FL fan. ily of adults; location convenient to South or Wall st. furry: tenus reasonablo. 85 HENRY ST--A NICE large to lot, with board suitable for two gentleor gent: of house Fulton.

and lountion very convenient: within aix minutos South and Wall at forries; for two, with board, light aud boat, $10. TO LET. third story WITH front room: BOARD, has hot A nicoly cold wator, otz: bouge browa atone; neighborhood firat class: convenient to cars and forries. Apply at 410 Pacifio st, volweou Bond and Nerius. BOARD opposite THE Washinztou HILL-168 furnishad rooms to lot.

with class board. in gentlemo1 and their wives or to singly gentlomen: bast of roforences givon; torris rousonablo. BOARD -TWO married OR couple can THREE live a largo YOUNG room furnishod or unfurnished: also, a hall room for a gentleman or lady; broskinst from 6 to dinuer at very low. Apuly at 110 lloyt st, Pacific. BROA st: THE party of WEIGHTS can find NO.

ronins 97 ad oining on the fourth floor, with billined room, excellent tallo and convenient to thy and places of ment: terns moderato; referencos required. CARLION NEWfurnished front room, with ball room if dosired. wlil be rented ou roaspaablo tormat, parmanent accom refercocos exchanged: boarders. dinner at 84 P. modation table BE DARD-ON Nos.

141. 146 THE Remson st, HEIGHTS- (entrance 114); REMAIN brand. suine with first alass board: terms inad. era for the ramaindor of tha seasoa; also single rooms for cont A necommodated GENTLEMAN with rood hoard AND and larga BOARD front room, with sunny oxnoeuro: also. two bail for with all turencos pichanged; terms modorate.

Apply at 233 State et, near Lloyt. OARD-342 STATE ST, NEAR HOY A largo nowly furnished front room. in black walnut, with hos and cold witer. bont, and large for coutleman and wife, or single contlemen: table unevery luxury of the season; terms reasonble: roferences exchangod. Hicks st, near Wall and amall THE HEIGHTS- NO.

273 rooms, furnished or unfuradahed. on second and third floora for families and singlo gentlemen: well hot and cola water; Inrga closets: terins to suit the reforeuce3 oxchanged. GENTLEMAN WIFE or one or gentlemen can baro first class bonr1 in fia3 location of reasonable torms: handsomely furnishod room, honso is within six minutes of City Hall and on: blouk of car3. Addross 234 Livingston st, opposite Hanson place. B' third story room, SMALL with all the FAMILY improvements.

WILL LET A corner house, owned by family, at terms. to two pers is convenient to and eight minutes' walk from City No. 423 State st; roioronces exchanged. front CLINTON bask ST--A hall LARGE third story and room. with tached: would rant together or soparatoly: also exteasion second floor, with southern rooms all niccly furnished.

with hot and cold water on each livor. Terms very modera'e. BOARD Smith -AT and 177 Fort: handsomely furnished roomy ST. on sec and and thied floor with southern exposure: hom*o has all tho motora douse, table und 1101 tinu unsuspassad; nour City Hall and the ferries; price moderato, SANDS ST-ONLY FIVE minutes' walk from Fulton Ferry; a large sunny, sccond story front room to let, with suitable for two also adjoining hall room: will let oz separato: hot ard cold wator, large closuts, good table; home comforts and terms moderate. PRIVATE FAMILY WITH Jot one or two nicely furnished homer 19 food; honso has all improvemonts and in desirably located can also accommodato ono or two bla boarders.

Call at No. 77 Fort Gieano place, nor buiion ROOMS, FROM 81 woekly up yard: full board tEno quired; weals sarvod In room i without extra charge; all chargos 110 lerthis houss hag all modar: parlors, pianos, reading. smoking aud Marble bathing rooms. laundry. washing To- dozen, Tic.

House, 197 Fulton bt, above 111. FURNIHED ROOM-A nicely furnished alcove room; private family. 383 Wavorly avonue. SHED ROOMS- TO LET. 19 Clinton honse contains modern is 1 well heatod and accessible to thy landing car ront33 and ferries; also roo suit able for a do tor's oNica.

ROOMS-TO FULLY for licht 39 nith evory co alvo, a single room; quinutey' walk irviu ferri-3. 92 Nassau st. DURNI-HED ROONS-TO LET, HANDcoma's furnished rooms on coond and third doors: also. back parlor and bed room. furnished completoly for Inquire at Baud; st, cornor Washing.

ton. sunny back chamber; wator, bath. do, SQUARE floor, to two persons: 83 per week: riso large attic to singlo gontleman, 81.00. 79 Hours st, bet Orange and Pineapple. TURNISHED -TO with TWO comfortable parlors end oxtansion, use of kitchou and bathroom, also a aniall atilo room: the will be lot separatoly or togethur for ho wek 11 Nassau st.

bet. Jar and eight walk from Fultou Vorry: no moring in May. TO LET -HOUSE-FOR FAOTORY OR busingas, the 0 story and basem*nt building, Mixoi No. 14 Iligh st, nca: Fulton. Apply on the ises.

TO ON house, THE 319 HILL Grand -TWO and story, frame AY. near Gates: location, and housa in best or order: baa occ by owner for past fire :0:13: April 1 Jowest ront. 89M Apply 10 RALPHT. COOK Candee Cook), 810 Fulton strast, cornuz of Cler. mont av.

LET--HOUSES--ON VANDEREILT Ar. botween Park and Flushing: on Grand av, DeKalb and on Stoubea st. between and Lafayetto avs; 0u Ciasson av. and Willoughby; also, two story frame house la Union placo. The above houses contain all the modern and first clasa order.

M. 23 Bearer st. New York, or 370 De Kaib av. Brooklyn. TO LET -PARTS OF HOUSES.

1 LET-PAKIS OF ROUSES -IN brick house north side of Wyckoff st, near Third art parlor and biscient In and 275 at 819 cach; story in 273 and at 810 cach: third story in same at 89 each. KERN. 397 Fulton st, room 17. menta, floors, -PARTS flats and OF storas: HOUSES- apartmonts APARTrooms, rent 88 to 85: Moors of alx rooms. $5 to $10; flats, six rooms.

all improvements, 812 to 818; store I1 fitted up, with rooms to live in, 813; also bu chore store, with fixtures. Apply to CHAMBERS, 723 Gatos ar. NO LET--FLATS FO 1,088 LET Fulton st, FLATS opposite NOS. Ormond place: 1,080 7 rooms; AND all elevator, apeukine tabes, rint to good tenants. Apply ty DAVID REID, 1,035 Fulton st, corner Downing.

TO LAE-FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. TO steara A loft. 25:50, WITH at No. OR 313 Adams WITHOUT at also, second Door, 25150, power, at 351 Adams at. laquirc at tho altice of JAMES HOWELL, 333 Adams at.

mo LET-ROOMS-WITH Front and Pearl STEAM Bronklya, and or. Apply cor. at 904 and Ad Twouts-third st, Now York, WI. BURDON. FINO LET- THREE FLOORS OF BUILD.

ing, No. 11 tiro floors and 23x93, ong about suitable 25150, with ten feot additional for hatch stairway; for manufactaring purposos to let from May 1. or if desired. Apply to or address W. HESTER, Kayle Office.

TO LET--STORES. TO LET --198 one door from Court st: plate glass front of latest style: best. location in the city: will rent to good tenant at per month; possession immediately. J. CORNELL, 44 Court st.

FINO for family: DWELLING, month; 288 Bedford av. complete one $18.66 a also store, 214 Park AF, 11037 Clinton: snitable for fancy goods, cigars, drugs. bakers. 5 In quiro on N. Y.

premises, or of RULAND at. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. OK SALE--MACHINERY- A VARIETY of Water st. and tanks. NAY HOFFMAN, 211 to 225 TOR SALE Pismouth -SITTING Church, A Apply VERY 990 DESIR: Broad.

able sitting at way, in the gun store. TOR SALE including BUSINESS property. office, COAL stable, sheds, wood sard, scale, horses, carts and all location. appurtenances: Address a WOOD. cool 5, business: desirable Box Kagle oface.

oasiness, in good location, on loading TOR SALE -BUSINESS-HARDWARE small atook. good opportunity. Address HARDWARE, Box 17. Eagle MOOR piste glans -BUSINESS--A Block and Batures, MILLINERY to he sold store, the onner cannot attuad to it, Apply at R.D Bigstlo AT. 0 City Iclys and Gossiy.

FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1878. IMPORTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS. Tho EAGLE will be sent to all points of the United States for $10 per year, or $1 par mouth for a Dees period than sis montha, free of postage. OCE SUNDAY EDITION. The EAGLE is published every day in week, Suvday inchided.

Order your carrier to leave or send your address to this oflico, Price 3 conta. Advertisem*nts tor Sunday Edition received 46 the office uy to 11 o'clock Saturday evening. ACCIDENT. George Mason, aged 35, residing at FlatSande, L. was knocked off his wagon while driving in Hudson avenuc, Wednceday, and' had his right leg Bevoroly brutaod.

by the Ambulauce Surgeon and taken home by his friends. ACCIDENT ON BOARD SHY. Carl Loiburmann, aged 41 years. Chief Off- car ot tau ship Germanic, lying at the foot of Joralemon atroot, bis kuce fanctured Wednesday attor. noou by the anchor falling on it.

He was rewoved to tho Loug Island Collage Hospital. IN TOMPKINS AVENUE. The three story brick house, No. 41 Tomp. xins avonno, occupied by Mr.

John Cahill, aril owned by Mr. Ilarman, was damnged by Are Wodnesday to the extent of $100. The fro 15 suppoeed to have origiuated du somo clothing in a back room on the second Acor, 11. RECREO SOCIAL. The social reunion of tho Cuban club.

El Hooreo, will tako place on the evening of the 9th at Evarott Hall, No. 098 Tuitou etreet. Thie socioly 1A composed of tho members of the Cuban colony in thin city, and their reunions ate always very pleasant affairs. FIRE IN BROLDWAY. At noon yesterday tire was discovered on tho secoud floor of the dwelling No.

571 ocalt. piod by the family of Tuomas Tane, Thero was no peraon in the rooms at the time, Mrs. Laue having loft home about two hours previously, and the cause could not be oxplained. loss on furniture will not exAlly dollars, while the building, which 1g owned by Lsaso Demark, was damaged to a similar amount, PRIZE BOWLING. The Boulevard Bowling Club and their lady trionda Wencadoy engaged in bowling for priz39 at Biogen's alloys, coruer of Graham avenue aad Stagg atroat, Each of the twenty members composing the And was in receipt of some token, The three best acores woro wade by a Jacob Rauth, Auzust Grill sod Johu Dillmeier, ACCIDENT AT THE FULTON SUGAR REFINERY.

Philip. Brady, aged 32 ycars, residing at No. 118 John street, bad his right leg broken Wednosday, by tho bursting of one of the centrifugal macbinee, white at work in the Fulton Sugar Ratinery, corner of Dock and Water streete. He was removed iu the bulauce to the City Hospital. SNEAK ROBBERY.

A sneak thiof entered the residence of T. FT. 0.10, No, 393 Grand avenuz, Wedacsday, by of felge keys, and stole an overcoat valued al $15. The thief waR Agon to leave the house with the coat ou bin by a servant iu the opposite house. Ile i3 described as about 5 feet A inches in begut, with aido whiskova aud 8 soft felt hat.

DISINHERITED. Maria Thomas, of Baldwin, L. made will disinheriting her husband. All the property bad born acquired with the savings frain his labor, but for BOLLe reason tho title was v. stout in his wite, she bequeathing about ororything to an adopted daughter, Mrs.

Combs, The husband contested the will ou tire ground of and rest amantary incapacity, Burrogao Magner decided admit will to bate. THE REFORM BALL. At Germania Hull, in Moutrose nvenue, Wednasday the employes of the au I. D. German nowapaper, bold their drat annual bell.

The company was of fair proportions in point of Dumber and on tho bent of terms with one another by way or mural faber directed the floor arrangoraonts, arsi-tel by IT. Lauckhardt and tire usual committee. Tho Conmittee on cousisted of A. S. Minner, F.

Stein, L. Werner, C. Houma and W. Albrecht, with the propriety of the Refrat, Dir, Froderick Weidder, as an do wilier member. A VETERAN ORGANIZATION.

On Sunday last, a number of veteran solliora and sailora, rosi tent in the Sixteenth Ward and vicinity, mol and or a relief association with.a view to providing for needy comrades, were elected as follows: Michael Presilent; (, W. IfutsVice President; Emil C. Walter and Valentine Schenck, Secretaries; Charlee Herbert, Troayurer. A constitution aubruitted aud read will be considered at a mecting to be hell Sunday next, at No. 106 Ten Eyek gtroot.

FEMALE SUFFRAGE. By invitation of the Female Employment Sooicty of this city, bigaly interesting paper was read botoro them ou Tues lay evonlog, at their roorus, in Willougbby stract. The casay wae of the highest order of ability, full of forcible illustrations and thoroughly well reasoned. A numbor of invited guests were prosent, who were all highly gratifed. After the lecture a dramatio pomp was impressively read by a lady, aud a Jody from Finland mado some bighly interesting statementa concerning the people, language, poetry aud arusic of tuat country.

OFFICERS ELECTED. At the aunual meeting of Company ThirLeanth Regimeut, held ou Tuesday avaning at the pany room, the following civil officers wera elected for tho current year President, Captain Baldwin; Vloo Prosident, Private DeF. Jenaings; Secretary, Private C. H. Jiggina Treagurer, Lieutonant W.

A 'Brown Financial Sceretary, Corporal 9. J. Bourd of Directors -Captain Baldwio, Chairman; Borgout Carr and Corporal Clements; Court Murtial Cornrittoo, Lieutenant D. M. Smith, Corporal Clements, Corporal Jackson, Privates L.

DeF. Jennings nud C. IT. AN UNFOUNDED ACCUSATION. Charles McGrew, a resident at East Now York, arrested last Monday on suspicion of haying been concerned in burglary the preceding night at No.

11 Montrove avenue. Wednesday he was arraigned in Justice Unch'a Court, and was defended by Counselor Kenny. Mr. Douon, the complainant, was not prosent, luaving the prosecution to Detective Ennis, by when McGraw was taken into custody. On being examed the officer stated de had no evidouce against thy His reason for the arrest waa tho fading of asl: van leeredief in Mr.

Donop'g ho uso which he suspectel wig the properly of who bad collad in this evening and had a strollar one about nock. A motion to dismisa the complaint was and McGrow get at liberty. AN ALLEGED BURGLAR CAUGHT. Sergeant Battersby, of the Seventh Precinct, Wednesday alternoou eucceeded in arresting Charics Bendor, who was wanted on a charze of burglary. The prisonor is accused of having been concorned in the robbery of Mr.

Gerkow'a grocery stora, at No. 94 Megerola avowas, tha samo morning, at AD early hm. One of the thera4, named Eiward Gatins, way captured at the Lima, after a brisk chase over half a dozon fences, by Ollizer A pair of stolen frozu the store ware fouad on him. He was bald for examination by Justice Filiott. Bender way alto urid.

4 YE GREATE CONCERTE." The hali of the Y. M. C. on Gallatin place aud Fulton street, was somewdat more than hall filled last eveniag on the of "Ye Greate Concorte" tendered to Miss Lizzie M. Olline.

Although the audieuce miuht have been larger it could not bave been Inore onthusiastic. In the Arst part the "two parto tune" by Conan Reuben and Jemima, the "one parte tuve" by Pru leuce Saced and "Russia," first sung to the modern and then in the ancient atyle by ya singera" were the chief favorites. Miss Prudenco Sneed, or the melolious young lady who that name, was presented with a very clegant bouquet. In the wore decidedly comic part of the entertainment, Molitablo Jane Tubba, who seemed to have taken Tuppy for her model of "deportment," brought down the house. Her "gamwy, Sammy" was really frat rate, and so were the two songa aha added in response to irrepressible encorce.

It is a pity that admiring young mon carry their demands for "mora" to such an extont as they did last evening. "Enough is as good as a feast," and so much uproar is A nuisance, both to the porforwers and the tranquil auditor. A BAD SPECULATION. Some capitalists in Long Island City thought borne essential to the improvement of their pr 'perty at Dutch Killa, along Jackson avouus and the highway to Amoriu, aud ole was built, It cost $50,000, and the money was raiged from the ucople of the city on bonds, In 1875 the old bonds were aneceeded by a Low issue, and Alexander IT. Steven; was appointed trusteo.

The road got heavily in debt. It owed William Crouthera $1,300 for bay and feed. He sued, obtalacd judgment and Sherif Satumia seized and gold the rolling stock, horses and harvess, realizing abont 3300. The franchise went to Patrick J. Gleason, of Brooklyn, for a nominal sum, and pa Das bean waking adopey out of it.

Stevens sued the Sheriff to recover tho value of the property eold. Mr. Crouthers bad given an Indemnity bond. The trial occupied two days bofore Judge Dykman. Tao jury was out several hours, but could not agree on a verdict, and wore dischargod.

TEMPERANCE MEETINGS. A series of Gospel 'Tomperance meetings wan recantly commenced at McKnight'e Mall, Clageon avonue, near Myrtle. A large congregation assembled to heat the Rev, Ir. Wright Wednesday. 10 very able and oloctive addrees he described the misory, poverty and wretchedness bomban encountered while laboring in the causc.

He HATe now is the to striko the blow at the very root oud foundation of this fearful evil, to demoralize and crush the enemy and strive with the help of the Almiguty to get the captive free from the bonds of Intemperance. A stirriug appeal to the young was made to refrain from intoxicating liquors and adopt temperance as their motto. The cordial 0o-operation of those present was asked in trylag to reclaim the fullen, ronder aid and assistanca to the many wives and families of those who are suffering from the effects of this demon, alcohol. The Rev. C.

W. Millon and Rev. 8. P. Halsey deilvered short ad.

dreason, 1n whiob they advocated total abatineuce a8 basis of all aocial comfort and happiuosa, A very pleasing entertainment was given last evoning by the pupils of Miss Stennett and Mra. Lewis' school, for the beneft of the Rellot Association of 8t. Peter's E. Church, at the Sunday School building, in State street, near Bond, and attracted a 1 arge audience, The programme was long and varied in its character, but the interest was rotained throughout, and the young ladies and gentlomon, without an exceptiou. performed their respective parts with credit to themselves aud their teachers.

Tho entortaiament opened with an address by Master Willie Storer, who in a few brief and Atting romarky roferred to the work in which the Keller Association was cugaged. Then followed 8 fino chorus, "We're a Merry, Laughing Band," by the school, which was kucconded with 1 humorous dialogue "About Posthere," in which Master Freddie H. Hyde, Clarence Hyde, Eddie Beach, Lawrence Corbett, Willie Rivi, Freddic B. Uyde, Clarnaca Sweeney, Vincent Sweeney and Nonben Gray assisted. "Thy Lords of Creation" was then pleasantly by Miss Gertie Barnett, and this was followed by the dialogue, "Tho Sonby Misses Tennto Nichola, Ettie Connor, Buaie Bennett aud Emma Campbell, Among the other exercises were recitations by Minnie Gawb and Miss Julia Host and Musters Royuolds W.

Harris, George Allon Storar and Willie Storer. The entertaiumont cloadd with tho chorus, "Good Night." by the school. MI. DE CORDOVA'S LECTURE. ST.


J. DeCordova, the humorous locturer, dolivered his lecturo entitled "That Dog Next Door," at the Atheneum last evening. The pretty littlo hull waR comfortably filled with an audience which WAR quick to respond to tho speaker's witty hits and dashes at current events, and the applause which followed his canetic remarks on human de general ADd the characteristics of the people in the neighborhood of dog" in particular, was hearty aud inThe lecturo is, of course, unroportable, but it gave an account with running commout of ilia purchase by Mfr. DeCordova nul frionds of some "cocap" houses--apparently unexcaptionablo in overy way, but found to ha decidodly dour when tho animal in question suvecqucutly made night zideous with his noise. After reciting tho trialg which 1tg owner- Mr.

Von Bopp, Au old bachelor -subjectel them to, and the inventions in tho shape of counter irritants to to get rid of the nuisauce, it was Dually abated by the marriage of Mr. Vou Bopp to Min. Pillywinkle, Mr. Cordova'a who disposed of the animal, Basido tho dog, the Nor: Mr. Tomater, Monaieur Pom Pom, Mr.

Von Bopp, Mra, Pilly winkle, Mr. Hysterix, Mr. Chudder and tho Major weta made tho vehicles of some clevor character acting by Mr. DeCordova, Tho description of the amateur sorree musicale its sido hit of tho high priced contract for not cicaving the stroets-and its untinoly interruption by Mra. Pillywinklo was greatly relished by the audience, which remained till tho close of a leclure, which was longer than usual -over an hour aud a balf.

Mr. DeCordova lectures on Wednesday, the 20th at the Young Men's Christian Aagociation, on "Tue Paploy Family in Europe." ARLINGTON LITERARY SOCIETY. Matthew Allo1, Eraoat A. M. holior Richard Carnes.

hits Uhas. Bouton, Hobt. J. Kollor Job Layton, IC. Sumner An excolient entertaiument was given last night, at livers' Academy, on Court street, by the Arlington Literary Bociety.

There was a very large aud intelligent audionce present who manifosted thoir approval of tha performance by hearty applause. The entertainment was opened with a clever overture by Professor Alexandor R. Walsh. A doclamation, "Phil Dood'a Leap, was nacly givon by Dr, Donald Robortson, who was encored, and next racitod "Papa's Lottor," with a good deal of spirit. Mr.

Fred. Steins followed with a song, "Les Ramoaux," which be sung with much feeliug aud- was ales His ecooud BORK 123 entitled The Sailor'a Wile" and was equally woll This cuded the frat part of the outertainmoat, The second part was taken up with a drama in thro acts entitled Brother's Keeper." The characters' were disposal as followa Abol Bouton, E. Bullwintal Grace Bonion, Abel's A D. Lindloy Kachol Altea, (Shellie, Id. Lindley Betsys Bonion, Abel's Miss Slumio Tunison The piay was very woll actod thronguout, Atter the entertainmeut was finishod tho gronter part of tho audicnee remained to participate in danciug.

An ing those present were Mr. V. and Jauy, Mr. Stohimann and danglier, Mias Carrie McLean, Hattie Lyondo, Dir. Fred, Bleins, and lady; Mr.

unl Mrs. Beguclio, Mr. and Mira. Kollor, Mir. nod Merian, DIr.

Kellor and laly, Louiac Groachel, Mr. Morman Garlics and lady, Miss Louise Burger, Mr. F. Mendol and laly, Mr. A.

C. Havers and lady, Masa Annie Manheim, Mr. William Steins and Jady, Mr. R. Hawke aud lady, Mr.

Hardeaburg aal wife, Mr. Alex. R. Walsh aud lady, Mr. aud Jady, Mr.

Charles Rivers and lady, Mr. Harry Rivers and lady, Mi. Williams Manhatw and lady, Mc33 Huan, Mr. Charles Garlious and wile, sir. Courles Da ceanor and Mi93 Nondel, Mr.

0. Steins and lady, Mr. F. Grojean and daughter, Mr. L.

Strulter and lady, Mr. H. Muldeuer and la Jy, Faunic Geiling, Mr. William Grandomann and wite, Mi49 Noulia Tout, Mr. W.

H. Withey and lady, Mr. Vanwick Powell and lady, Mr. and Nre. Pearson, Mr.

John Gurner und ladly, Miss Van Ar. A. Zitzwann, and lady, Mr. George Schumann aud lady, Mr. Julius Pagers and wife, Mr.

Max Wrigoley and lady, Mr. George Garbarde and wife, The Floor Committee congiated of Alfred E. Sumner, Ernest G. Kaler, Robert J. Keller and Julius A.

Tinken. The onlicera of the Society are a3 follows Prosident, Robert J. Keller; Joun E. Builwinkel: Treasurer, Juliua A. Tienked.

SOUR BOYS" AT THE ACADEMY. It is rarely such an audience is gathered at the Academy on any boneft occasion in which purformera aro tho sol: attractioaa, 28 crowded the building last night from parquet to ampitheatre; and etill more rare is it that any play is performed with the ability exhibitod by the ladica and genticwen who so kindly volunteered their valuable in boball of the poor of the city on this special occasion, Even on Philharmonic coucort nights no more fashionable audionces are present than attended the Academy last night. The comedy selected was Byron's "our Boys," aud it was performed througbout in a wanuor which would not bavo discredited any of the Metropolitan thentres. Most usauredly the characterg assigned to the Indies of the cast could not posgibly been mmproved upou. The comedy was very well placed upoti stage Indeed, and the leading characters were capitally peformed, especially that of Talbot Champuays by Mr.

Harry P. latel, and b14 father, Sir Geoffrey Champby Mr. Charles 11, Ed The former personatod tho hero in Wallackian style, and made a decidod hit in the part, and the acting of Mr. L.1- wards was The Middlewicks, fathor oud 601, were creditably porsonated by Mr. DI.

0, Cuester and Dr, Thomas B. Adarce and the minor parts ware wall fillad. But the attraction of the evening, aside from Mr. Match's admirable performance of the hero, wes the charming tiou of the characters of Violet Melro30 and her cou-lu by tho Misses Phelps and Rider. In grace of mauner, excellence of reading and thorough appreciation of the characters represented the performanc: was one of docidedly exceptional morit.

The activg of Mrs. John Sherror, too, in the part of the mailon aunt, Miss Carrieu, was inimitable, this luly sharing the hovors of the evening. As for the "slivey" Belinda, so spiritedly performed by Kitty Rider, it was one of the beat personations of that line of characters over ecen at (be bands of an amateur porformer, She acted the part to tho lifo, aud dressed al, too, which lattor is something rarely done properly. Iu ovory respoct was the ontortainment gratifying, the crowded house a handsome suin, while all presant thoroughly enjoyed tuc excellent performunce. Tho musical part of tie introduced to 20 Acaitomy Audienco a promising young vocalist in the porson of Miss Alice Waltz, who posseses a voice of remarkable power and compass, waich whoa fully developed will enable her to make hor mark in tho list of American sing.

cre. She saug two difleult sougs, one on an enthusiastic recall, and was loudly The cornet playing by Signor Salcedo, too, matorially enbauced the musical astrastion, us dit the occhestral performance under tho leadership of AIr. Lewis, The next performance of not: by the Height's amateur corps will take place ou the 15th lastant, the telling burlesque of "Tao Merchant of Venice' is to be prosentel, with Mr. Marry Hatch in the part of Shylock. This will ve given uuder the auspices of the Noried Boat Club, and the occagion will draw forth another fashionable audieno: bayond doubt, The full cast of last night was 29 followa: Sir.

(feoffrey Charles H. Edward; Hatch Talbot On his Hurry P. Middlewick, a rotired butter. Mr. Monson C.

Candle: his son. Mr. 'Thomas B. Adamg Kompeter, valet to the James P. Sherman Poodles.

hid Ralph I. Newton Vi lot Meir so au Miss Aunio D. Phelps Mary her Cousin Mig3 Grace Kilier Clarissa, Sir Coottroy's Mra. J. A.

Shero: Belinda, a Kittio Kidor: THE DEKALB ACADEMY. A fine musical and literary entertainment was given last evening at the Do Kalb Acadomy on De alb avenue near Throop. The pleasant rooms were crowded to excoss by tho patrons and frienda of the institution. The programme was lengthy, but all of the exercises seemad to bo listened to with much interest. Professor William A.

Moore, Principal of the Academy, conducted the exercises. The Drat ploco wag singing by a company of old folks, undor the leadership of Professor N. M. Lewis, the musical instructor of tho Academy. This company gave a numbor of pieces during tho evening and were enthusiastically applau ted.

Their voices wore weli tralged and reflected much crodit upon tho eMolency of their instructor. There was also a number of recitations and diologues. Wu mention a few: "Papa's Lotter," by Miss Dora Lanning, WAS spoken admirably; the "Disobedient by Miss Lizzie Avery WAg also flue; tho reading of "The Last by Miss Auno Alexander, was given with fino effect. Sho 18 a suporlor reador. The dialoguo entitled "A Desperate Resort," was very amusing.

There wore othors who are deserving of belug mentioned, but our limited space will forbid. At the conclusion of the entertainment a number of prizes were awarded to the best scholars. Misa Lizzio Avery, of the Grammar Department, received a handsome picture, elegantly framed. Robert Ferguson the second prize, author handsome picture. Nellie Fod4gdon received the third prize.

In tho Primary Department Percy McDermott, Herbie Moore and Arthur Ar. ery received the prizes. After the scholara had received their prizes some of the teachers wore surprised with gifts. Miss Lalanne received a book with the photograph of the scholars in the Acadomy. She also received a handsome prescut from one of her scholars, Willie Sweet.

Profezaor Moore was also surprised with a handsome present. After the gifts had been distributed Professor Moore made a lew remarks thanking the audience for their presence and attention, when the Rev. J. P. Stausbury, who was seated in the audionoa arose and moved in return a volo of thanks to Professor Moore, and his assistants for the excellent entertainment they bad given them.

The resolntion was unanimously carried and the audfeuce dispersed, evideutly well pleased with the erening's entertainmont. William Hayes, of Cold Spring went into Gildersleevo's blaoksmitb shop and ted a paper of tobacco belonging to one of the workmen. Tho man objected and a Agut opsuod. Hoyos' arm was brokou iu the atruzgle. BETA ELOHIM.

Retirement of Commissioner Kossol From the Presidency of the Congregation--Presentation of Coniplimentary Resolutions. The Trustees of the Congregation Beth Elohim on Tuesday evening preseuted Charities Commissioners Moses Kessel with set of complimentary resolutions on the occasion of his retirement from the Presidoncy of the Congregation, a position he has held for the past twelvo years. The affair. took placo at Mr. Kossol's residonco, Mr.

Mosce May, Mr. Kessel's successor, making tho presentation with appropriate remarks, A largo representation of the trustees and Congregation, accompanied by tho pastor, Rev. Dr. Schwab, were present. THE RESOLUTIONS arC as follows: Whereas, Our late President, Mr.

Moses Kessel, has, ou account of the absorbing duties of hie new public office, dacmed it expedieut to surrender his congreg4tional obarge; tuerefore, ba it Resolved, That we deeply regrot this bis determination to vacate a poet so honorably Alled him for the last twelve years. Resolved, That we owe to his continued and untiring olforts for the benefit of our congregation, a greut deal of its present prosperous condition. Resolved, That we were recognizing in him all the timo of his Presidenoy, a zealous and conscientious worker for the sacred cause of our religion, and its institutions founded and thriving in our midst. Resolved, That it is greatly due to his publio spiritednos9 and disintcreated onergy, that we succeeded in catablishing our new place of worship whioh, 09 a very laudaome and well nited edifice, can proudly compare with most of this country. Resolved, That we aball ever chorisb the memory of his innumerable good services rendered to our congregation in all its etages of development and occasional aiMloulties, from which to extricate it he always stood foremost with groat liberality and devotion.

Resolved, That from a protound sense of gratitude to our outgoing worthy President, we shall not to Implore God's blessing on him and his family, and that big life and health may meritorious be pre- acserved long to continue bis highly tivity, both in his new offleial sphere and as remaining trustee of our congregation. Resolved, Also. that these resolutions be entered into our infuutos and a copy thereof, bearing the siguatures of the officers of the congregation, neatly prepared and frumed, be premented to Mr. Kessel as a tokon of our high esteem and grateful acknowledgement. MORES MAX, Prez.


NEWMAN, Louis SANDERS, SIMON BRIR, ERNST ISAAC IGELHINNER, Mr. Kussel, though takon by surprise, made a fooling and appropriato response. A very pleasant social time followed. THE FIFTH WARD REPUBLICANS. A regular monthly meeting of the Fifth Ward Ropublican Association was held Wedncedny at No.

154 High street, Mr. Stephen W. Laidlor, in tue chair, and Mr, Rudolph 'Auerbach, Sacratary. The minutes of the last mooting wero read and approved. Tho following persona themsolvos as didates for memberauip: Gaorgo Westerdeld, Alonzo Westerdeld, John Rakestraw, Thomas Faucett, Joseph Truslow and Thomas O'Connor.

The names were referred to the legiatration Connaittee, which reported favorably on the namos of Robert Campbell, William Smith aud William Mowen, and unfavorably on that of Tuowas -all of which bad boon referred to thom at the prorious meating. Mr. Flynn, the Treasurer, reported that the dances were in a bealthy condition. Tho special committee appointed to reviso tho roll book eubmitted a leugthened report, recommonding that oleveu nomes be stricken from cha roll, on account of death or removal from the ward, and that twentyelgut names be subjected to further investigation, it being suspected that the partics bad not voted for the past two yeara or had given ald and comfort to their political enemics, The followiog are the Dames of the auxpected twenty-ought: Robert W. M.

Anderson, 111 John street; John Cochran, 113 Hudson avcaue; Robort Carey, 150 Tillery street; Lawrence Conlan, 27 HudBOD avenue; John Crommey, Prospect streol; Callaban, Alox. 14 205 Prospect etreet; George Navy street, Henry Clifton, 100 John street; John Daly, 206 Tillary street; Eugene Duffy, 207 Gold street; Janies Daunav, 105 Hudson avenue; Tas. D. Driacoll, 182 Eugou avenue, Pat. Farrell, 51 Briage atreet; Jas.

Fitzroy, 247 Trout street: Alex. MicDonald, 110 Prospect street; James McBride, 96 ludson avenue; Michel Mckinloy, 52 Navy atrect; Miounel MoNamee, 12 Sunde streer; Ww. McKiuney, 90 Navy street; Jawes Mcilanus, 11 Navy kiroat; Patrick McGee, 113 Hudson Won. Mabedy, 40 Prince stroot; Daniel Mcohan, 174 Tillary Aticet; Goorgo Palmer, 134 Hudson avonne; George Palmier, 16t lulson avenue; Lawrence Perry, 133 Prospect street; James W. Taylor, 104 Concord and Juhn I.

Ward, 190 San 13 atreet. On motion those names wore taken ny opc by ona and passed upon. Out of tea veers roncued for boing GOOD REPUBLICANS, while eighteen were alicgo: to be iu active By with th Democrats. In tho which too': place over the adoption of the report, the war of the factions broke cu', nua the was accused of acting unfairly by Mr. Colhs.

The whole matter was Anally laid on the table. ting leaving the alleged Damocrats in good in the Association. The same action way taken with a proposed amendmont to the bylaws, in which it was enjoined that no tickata shoul i be peddled at the by members of thy Association except such as were received from tho President or Vies Preyidant. Afior the transaction of come couliua businoge, the meeting adjourned. THE EXCISE QUESTION.

To the tattor of the Brooklyn Eagle: In your issue of the 4th containing the report of the agreeable conference held betweed the Commissioner: of Police aunt and a delogation representing the Society for tho Prevention of Intumperance and Conne, this montonce "He (Jourdan) said that. iu times wag well known, there appeared as for the Temperance Brotherbood who wera not rious vagaboud; and druukardy." ote. I bag loave to correct that atatemont, Tie Torporauce Brotherhood was not named during that interview, I WAS THERE. FIFTY PER. CENT.

SAVED! URINg HIGGINS' GERMAN LAUNDRY SOAP. Try it and assure 7007- ceives of the PARTIES desiring the SUNDAY CAGLE left at their regidences con sond their addrass to this offica, and it will be givon to the carrior inho sorvos the EAGLED their district. MARRIED. Thursday allernoon, February 7, 1878. at the residence or the bildo's paranta, N.

by the Rev. A. H. Seoley. of Amonia, Couuty.

uncle of the bride. FREDERIC U. DUNCAN to KATE, eldest daughter of Samuel D. Belcher, all of Brooklyn. MANSFIELD-VAN CLEAF-On Thursday, February 7, 18:5.

nt the residence of the brido'a father, to by the Kov. A. T. Hunt. D.

WALTER MANSFIELD MARY, daugh. ter of David Van Cleat both of Brooklyn. DIED. -AL No. 15 Tiffany place, CATHARINE CROWE, beloved wifo of liger Crowe, aged 98 guara, a native of the The relatives and friends are invitod to attend the pariah of filmine, County Clara, Iroland.

funoral on Suuday, February If, at 2 P. Af. CURRIE-On Thursdar. 7th CAROLINE ELIZAwife of Richard P. Carrie.

Funeral from her late residence, £33 President st. day, 10th at 2 P. M. Flatbush. on Thursday, 7th of diphtheria, HENRY, 2O 1 of John 11.

and Daria K. Ditmas, in the 8th year of his axe. The rolatives and friends of the family are invired to attend the funoral. from the of his grandfather, Henry Ditmas, Flatbush, on Saturday, al 3 o'clock P. -Ta Brooklyn.

February 1878. MICHAEL DORR, of County Roscommon. Tralaud, agod 38 years. and friends of the fainily are respectfully Invited toattend his funeral on Sunday, the 10th at 3 P. from the rest of his brothor in law, John Collins, 240 Front Bi, to the Cometory of the ILoly Cross.

DRESSER-0a Thursday morninz. February 7, at SpringRoll. CHARLES A. DRESSER, youngest son of G. A.

Dreszer, of this city, is 27th year of his ago, Relatives and friond3 are invited, to attend the funeral on Saturniay, February from, 135 Maplo Springfield, Biass. on Wodnesday, February 6, JOHN MATACW4, I Gd saars. Relatires and 1 joads and the members of Long Island No. F. A.

aro invitod to at: tend the funeral from his late resiaonce, 115 Pourl at, Sunday, at P. M. NEWALL-Fobruary 7. after short and painful i'ness, MARRIANNA, holored wife of mohort Newell, ago 22 soars, 3 monthy aud 23 days. Relativo, and friends aro resonatfully invi'ed in attend the funeral from her rowid dance.

No. 25 Cumberland st, on Sunday, wood Cemotery. 10, at 2 P. M. Interment Green PHILLIPS-On Thursday, February 7, 1878.

TORN FAULKNER, oldost son of John B. aud Henriatta Phillips, aged 8 years, 7 months and 13 Relatives and friends of the family are invitod to attend tho fuporal from life P. lato 165 Putnam ar. on Sunday, 10th Engl, at 2 M. TAYLOR-In Now Brunswick.

on February JOHN NEILSON TAYLOR, yoar of his age. Relatives and friends of the family are rospoctfully in. vited to attend bis funoral from his Inte rogidence, corner of Sonorset and Scott ats, ou Sunday, tho 10th ut 3 o'clock P. M. RELIGIOUS NOTICES.

FOR MEN WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION C. W. TO it at the 457 Fulton st. a All are cordially will conduct gospel me tin invited. Alozart Suuday night.

CAPECIAL RELIGIOUS SERVICES tor. Roy. WAYLAND HOYT, D. preach in the 9 STRONG BAPTIST CHURCH--The main church EVERY KVANING this weak, except Haturday, February 4-8, 1878. All are earnestly invited to attond.

MASONIC. LONG -Brethren: You hereby NO. summoned 389 F. to attend A. an emergent Communiestion of the Lodge, on SUNDAY, February 10.

1872, at 1 o'clock. sharp, for tho purposo of paying the last tribute of respect to our weriny brether Chuninin JOHN MATTHEWS. Brothron of sister lodges fratornally invited. By order. WM.

BI. PERRY, W. M. J. C.

HEINEMAN, Secretary. TANGA ST. PATRICK'3 MUTUAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION OF KINGS COUNTY -Brothers: The death of tap Supreme Pontiff, Pins IX, to coil for inomotial action by us, I therefore give notice that a meting of all tho branchag will ba hold SUNDAY. Feb. runry 10, at 2 P.


Jannary 23, 1878. -Notice: The annual meeting for the electinn Directors of this Company for tha ensulug year and for the transaction of any other business that may rogularly come before tho meeting will be hold at the office of the Company. No. 190 Atlantic 12 to Brooklyn, on TUESDAY, February 12. Polls open from M.

1 l'. M. C. T. OATLIN, Secretary.

O. SPECIAL MELTING OF A. the Board of Directors tho above Ordor will be held at hoadqunters, corner of Fulton and Jay ats, on FRIDAY EVENING, February 8, 1878, at 8 o'clock P. All otticers aro requested to attond. By ordo.


HORSES, CARRIAGES, HORSE cheap; or borso alone. TOP Inquire WAGON at No, FOR 742 Fulton st, in the cigar store, INN CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH 'MAKERS, FACTORY 47, 49, 51 and BERGEZ ST. REPOSITORY 398 and 290 FLATBUSH near Seventh av, whor* we keep on hand an resortmant of oarriages at re. duced prices. Connea, four and six sost rooka ways.

sion top phaetona, seat top and no top phaetons, doctors' photons, buggies and dobot wagons, both new und secondhand. Double and Single Albany and Portland Cutters of cur own make from 930,00 and upwards. 75 -TOP BUSINESS WAGON, PATENT wheels. in good order: also, set of baruess, the nearly hours of now. I Can be scou at stable, 447 Marcy av, betireen and 3 P.

M. LEGAL NOTICES SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY.William Alexander against Edward Sheehan and pursuance of a judgment orde: of this court, made in the shore entitled nction, bearing date the 10th day of January, 1878, I. undersigned referee named, sent at publio suction, at the rotunda of the Couaty Court House. Brooklyn, Kings County, N. Friday, February 8.

1578, at 12 clock noon, the following described lands and promisos: All that certain lot, pieco or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvemosts thereon situate, lying and being in the Twents-ifth Want of the City of Brooklyn, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at point ou the easterly side of ant avenue, distant ciabity foot soatherly the snutbeasterly corner of Lexington and araucs: tneuce running casterly and parallel with Lexiagton arenuo, and part of the distance through the courre of a party wall, ninaty feet (90); thence southerly, parallal with Stuvessat avenue, twenty feet thence running westerly and parallel with Lexington avenue, and part of the dis. tance throuwh the centre of a party wall, ninety feet (90), to the pasterly side of Stuyvesant avenue, and thence northerly, along the said easterly side of Starrosant arenue twenty feat (20), to the polat or place of beginning.Dated Brooklyn, January 16, 1878, WILLIAM M. BENEDIOT, Referee. S. D.

LEWIS, Plaintif'a Attorney. Tuo salo of the above described premisos is hereby ad. journed to the das of February, 1878, nt same hour and Brooklyn, FobruarS 8. 1878. les WM.

M. BENEDIOT, Referee. WANTED-HELP-FEMALES. IMMEDIately, 28 Johnson st, near Fulton, a number of experienced operators on shirt fronts; no othora need apply. Call for one weak at the basem*nt door.

ON LADIES' underwear; work given out to erperlenced to atore. Apply after P. with samples, MARSH, 478 Bergen st. MACHINES WANTED best possible torms, and work ivon out to pay; operators make good wages; call and see our pricos; also work givon to good operators work. to mako No.

on ibeir own machines; bring sample of white 118 Oort st. noar Atlantic av. WANTED ANTED-SERVANTS OF ALL KINDS office managed by ladies; BROOKLYN RMPLOYMENT BURRAU, No, 29 Concord st, between Fulton and Washington sts: three blooks below City Hall; many respectable women, who have N. never been at an offloa web before, apply hero for for nurses. COokS.

Washers and Ironers. WA housemaid: ANTED-A Apply GOOD at 258 Henry COOK; at, ALSO, COOK, WASH AND WANTED wages 812. Apply at 309 Clinton at. Nurses and Seamstresses. WANTED FIRST CLASS NURSE, entire charge of a baby; must be accustomed to the care of children and thoroughly under.

stand har business; none but those with the beat. of city roferences need apply at 71a Monroe st. near Franklin av. ANTED-AS NURSE, A YOUNG girl, to take care of a child and to make hereself usolni. Call at 428 Franklin ay, corner of Madison st.

dron and make herself generally usoful, a young ANTED--TO ASSIST 1 WITH CHILgirl. Apply at 257 Hoory st. TAKE CARE OF A WANTED neat and honest girl about 11 years of age. Apply at 305 Baltic st, over the store, WANTED aud sew. a WAIT strong ON young AN girl; ELDER- must bo obliging; wuges 88 per month.

Address A. Eaglo ollica. General Housework. ANTED-FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork a young girl. Sevonth Apply, st.

IC, with D. roforonce, at 224 Sou N.ath at, corner of work Immodlatoly, in family GENERAL A girl; HOUSEbe a porfect laundress and good pluin cook: mono but one that uudorstands her business, and le willing to do any thing required. need apply: wages $10; reference ruquired. 469 Tompkins av. corner Macon st.

WANTED girl. TO Call DO for two GENERAL days at No. 989 HOUSE- Ninth street. S. B.

ATTEND A PAINT WANT boy or young man: one who is used to paint. lug preferred. E. HORMAN, 87 Tort (ircone place. WANT TO ATTEND bakery or confectioners.

by young girl; six yeara' exporience. Please call on or 178 North Ninth st. WANTED a reliable girl, who A comes well GOOD recommended by har proszut employer, who is abont to leave the city. Please call until Saturday at No. Monroe at, near Tompkins av.

SITUATIONS MANAGEO BU. by EMPLOYMENT REAU, 29 Concord at, botwoon Fulton and Washington ste. Family help of all kinds. Wo do not promiso linn. but try to cleot good women for domestio survico, without regard to nationality or religion.

N. Wot nurses supplied. Cooks, 1, Washers and Ironers. washer and ironer, by a respectable COO American woman: has goud city roferoncos. Osli for two days at 212 Bridgo st, ANTED- COOK, washor ironer, by a raspectable girl; hay no objection to do goneral housework in a small private fam.

Ily: the beat of city reloreace. Call for two days at 158 Smith st, over the grocory otore. A FIRST class cook and good washer and ironer, by a girl: no objections to housonork or to going a short distance in the onuntry: good oity reloronceg. Call at 794 Atlantic av, near Glormont. ANTED cook, washer and fronor, by FIRST a younz woman; willing nud obliging: no to a large family or privato hoarding house; bast of city roferences.

Call for two days at 806 Adana st, moar Johnson, frat Door, WY class cools, SITUATION wash and A iron, FIRST by young Protostnut woman: is syilling and oblixing: no ob. 1 joctions to a large family; bent city reforences: uo postal cards answerod. Please call at 21 Johnson at. WANTED, and competent laundreas, A by 2 FIRST crapectable youux or would not object to doing house. work in a small family: would go Abort distance in tho country: has goral city rateronces.

Please cull at 139 St. Mark3 noar WANTED SITUATION or would A do FIRST gonorsl housework in a private by a young Scotch woman; wili be pound willing ani obligfuz; no obiealion to lar to tamily or to has goal from country or city. call for dava at 7: Dudiold st. A GOOD cook. wagher and ironer, by young woman: bra road eity os.

Oill tor two days ut 062 Orund av, nor. Dear st. over butchor store. EAT coot and oxcollent washer and 18 froner, A or would GOOD co by reapectab'e gl.1. Oall for two day ut 720 st.

near WE good conk, we harand tropar; is a good balur: AS tho A other m' ormaid and waitrosa. or by two 12. spectablo gonna tog tho a ica in the country good call watron at, botweon and Bool. WANTED icon.

in a private Camis. by a rarest competent Can ho teen at tor 83 Pesspost s. root. Chambermaids. and waltras3.

by young girl. A Inquire CHAM- at bor employer'e, Ciark st, A M- bermaid and wait res, by respectablo i4 fond of children. Posse call at bor present emplo, tug Groong av. AN Hermaid and tit raga, iu a first class family, CHAM- by n. reSontol girl; bast reference from last employer.

Call at 376 Myrtlo af, back room. AS CHAMberingid and wait by respoctable young girl, or would do general housework, iu small prirato will he found steady. willing and obliging: fo all bor ordinary duties toward her thoroughly understands hor placo in either position: con giro good city referanco. Please for three days at Henry st, near Pacific. WANTED chambermaid ANTED-SITUATION-AS and waitress, by a A FIRST young girl, Scotch: 13 ment an tidy: willing and oblig Ing; has no objoctio: a to large family or bow liar houso: best referanoo.

Ladies ploas3 call for tiro days al 142 Tillary street. VA maid, by a Protestant woman: A LADY'S waking. cutting and fitting and childron's dresses Call at 634 a Kalb Av. housawork, by young American Protestant girl. TO DO LIGHT Ploase call at 149 Prospoct st.

CO DO THE chamberwork or waiting, or to take of children. by young cirl, Agod 19: two yours' refe 0. from lat place. Can be soen for tiro days at No. 189 Sackott st in Btore.

FOR UPatairs work and waiting. or would tale ca a of el'ldren, young American girl: good city E5 Warren at. Nurses and Seamstresses. WANTED nain CHILD'S dro37mating: or would be willing to do any kind of work for 50 conte a day or 83 wreck. I'loase address M.

GORDON. Box 19, Eagle o. WANTED protostant Rantch woman; can take NURSE, entire charts of a liby from its birthor bringi it up on the bottle; best of city refe enrag. Call nt 95 Warren st. WANTED or wonld do honenwork NURSE small family, by a Protestant wirl: bast of reference from hor presont employor.

shy is now and can he Call Immediately at No. 177 St. Marks av, near Vander. bilt. WANTED, married woman, A who WAT has logt her child like to Cake one hoing wot nurse: lIAR roferonce.

Call at 471 Baltic at, botween Bond and Noving. WANTED Amarion family and take care ASSIT of childron, by a rosno tallo Gorman 15 old: good city references. Cnil at 165 Hoyt at, cor. Wyckoff, General WANTED housowerk, in by DO a soung GEN- colored girl. Cull or address No.

id Flee: st. WANTED usework in a small by a DO willing GEN- end obliging giel. Apply at 651 De Kalb av. VI ANTED housewort in a mall plain, TO private DO family, GON- b7 a respectable Canadian girl; roference. Call ut No.

8 randa place. WANTED in 2 amall privato DO DO family: GEN- is a good, plain conk, washor and ironer: best of city raforonco. for two days at 120 Sackett at. in store. WANTED by colored girl: can DO giva GEN- tlie best city reforence, Call at 330 Atlantis top floor, back room, ANTED housework in a TO by DO a ragnost- GEN.

able colorad girl; is good cook. was and iron 'o: la ya good city refereacoa. Call for two days nt No. 95 Flout place. ANTED- DO GENeral housework, by a young women: is pool cook, washer and broad and biscuit maker; has wood city Call for two dars at Navy st, in tho rear, noar Myrtle av.

TO DO GENhousework, by a respectable Protestant girl: in good cook. washer nod Ironer: cap give the best of city reforence, Call for two days at 77 a7, near WANTED housework, by a sauna DO girl: a plain cook and good washer and trongr: Das good city referonces. Please call 103 place. bet. Pacific And Dean st, In the candy store.

WANTED SITUATION or wow'd DO mind THE chi'. dron, by a Protostant girl; city roferencos. Can be soon at 69 Bond at, near State. -A POSITION for organ or piano music for Sabbath School alaging; torm3 male.ate. Address T.

W. Eagle office. -PUPILS-A YOUNG LADY wishos nupils. would touch English and music in a private family; reforencos exchanged. Address A.

Eaglo office. POSTtion as housekeeper, by an Ainericnn woman. dress Mra. Box 7, offico. WANTED house koopor, child's POST- nur-e, nurao to an invalid or monthly nurse, by a competent, mid.

dio agod lady: highest roforoncos will be given, Address N. Karlo outco. WANTED 15. years of age: mcab he YOUNG competent bookkeoper and reside with his parents; andoubtod rofar. ences regulrod for honesty: none othor neod apply.

Ad dress for thro dasa Box :1, Eaglo olica. -PUPILS-TWO LADIES OR gentlamen who wish to study the German or French languages, nudor a first class may fola a class now forming: terms only 53 for caul pupil. Addross 1x 20, Fazie ANTED-GOVERNESS A YOUNG lady a notition as governosa, companion. or has had live experience in teaching and the care of children: will also assist in tho domestic aftalis: best refo ences can be given, M. Eaglo office.

WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED and ANTED-TOOLS-A a 3 Inch pipe SET machine, OF in good TIN- Address, Box 1,136, Now Haven, Conn. -BABY -TO WETNURSE AN ner own bane. respectable Protestant has good c'ty referances. Call for two dasa at st, cor.

Bond, from 8 P. WAN Eagle office, statiug number ROUTE-ADDRESS of retailed. location and prico for cash. WANTED- go nut by the day or A week, in YOUNG private families; understauds dressmaking and children's clotbos and Wheeler Wilson's machine: no objection to the conntry; has the best of city reference. Address SEAMSTRESS.

Box 2, Eagle ofire. WANTED respectable A woman to take or go out IRONING, trashins and ironing. Call on or address northwest corner Lalryette av. and Scheack et, over the store. WANTED woman.

WA -BY and AN families' AMER. washing done reasonably. on or address Mrs. CORNELL, 178 Franklin av, Myrtle and. Willouchby.

WANT raspectable A woman: ladies', AND coatlenen's IRONING. of faintly washing, to take to her own hom*o: is a laundress and cam do all kinds of tine washing: ORa Eire the boss of city rotorondes. Ploaso call at oz address 407 DeKalb aY. rocommended woman, to do cloaning and MASHING A WELL first class washing and Ironing at private boosos. at her own f9! aY, curuer of sucond No.r, FOR TOR SALE HOUSE -VERY LOW -A brown stone house, 8 story, In President at, betwoen Smith and Hoyt Inquire for one week of JAMES ROWELL, 833 Adams st.

TOR north Myrtle -HOUSE-A plate LARGE glass front; HOUSE. house 28 x45: 8 story brick; gas and warer; a good business pixco: will be sold ou easy terns. Apply to owner, 632 Myrtle avenue. NOR SALE HOUSE ON TO LET--THE high stoop brown stone front house 199 Cumberland el, opposite the Park, 2)1 foet north of Do Kalh av: can be camided from 3 to For price or rent inquire ol J. C.

WEMPLE, 32 Carlton av. SALE -ON CUMBERland st, near Greeno av, two first class brown stone houses, all tho modern complete. Apply at 309 Cumberland st, inorning and even. ing. three feet front), brown stono SACE-HOUSE-A FIRST CLASS honse: in firat location: 10 minutes' walk from the ferres.

Inquire of E. J. WHELAN, 62 Schermerhorn st, near Court. Fulton at. property: 3 story and basament hrick FOR -HOUSE-A BARGAINbuilding, No.

62, through to Lafayette RV, No. 41: good store with plate glass front: good for any business; 100 feet deep. Inquiro at 45 Lafayette ar. FOR story basem*nt. -HOUSD-A subcellar and attic MAGNIFICENT brick house.

25x50 x102: 14 rooms and every Improroment: la Willow st, near Orange: wit bo suld at a great bargain. For furthor particulars apply to LEONARD MOODY, No. 210 Montague street. FOR Washington av, SALE-HOUSE-ON bet woon Fulton st WEST and Atlantic SIDE DV, 00B three story, basem*nt, Fronoh ronf, brown atone house: delightfully loceted; inntorials and workmanship the best; walnut stairs wainscoting: tarma easy. Apply on premises, 880 Wasbington av, fur 8 days.

SALE -HOUSE A 574 BARGAIN, the three story brick dwelling. No. Pacific At 20x40x100 feot: modora Improvements, fres. coed: garden, with fruits and lowers: to nad horse cars: to Park and ferries: 81,003 or terms to suit. Address OWNER, as above.

and basenient brown atone cornor house and lot. SALE STORY Putnam ay, near Gran price balf oasi, or will exchange for three story frame or brick (rec) on City Hall, or on of valuo not excooding KERN, age nt, 197 Fulton st, room 17. very desirable SALD-HOUSE-ON three story basomont THE HILL subpoilar brick house: contnins all the ina is in good ordor: very Iccation: price low. For permit apply to J. DAVENPORT SONS, coraor Dalton aad Oxford sta, FIOR three story brick SALE-HOUSE-OR storo and OR dwalling TO house, LET- No.

678 Fifth ay. corner of at, a rood lout: fur a grocery or any business: terms favorable: Immediato possessloa riven. Apply to SAMUEL GARRISON, No. 49 Count st. TOOR SALE WEST corner of boKalb ar.

and Raymoud st, corner store property: 3 story briok: 2 scores: 19 rooms: all improve. elegant corner for business; ranta for cost 812,000: must be sold: prico $6,600. Apply H. W. ROZELL, 383 Myrtle av, in shoo store.

TOR -HOUSE PRIOR $3,200 The three story and basem*nt brick house No, 9 North Portland as, in good or Jar and baving wator throughout. An opportunity for any with sotne cash to secure A gond bargain, as fands are wanted Immediately. Apply or addresa, AUSTIN STEVENS, 8 Plue st, Now York, MOOR SALE. 44 North Portland av. story and collar framo house: 13 rooms: improvemonts: lot 23x100.

and price only torms to sort. Apply stables the place for express ur carina: ten's THE ROGELL, Myrtle av, in shoo atoro. SALE HOUSES BARGAINSNew 3 story, stone front house, 90x43x100, hardwood stairs. Guly 98, location excelleut, vicinity of Franklin av. ours: 8 story brick, Clermont af.

Adelphi st, lot 23x100; many others at surprisinzly RIVE. low prices: office open evenings. MACOMBER ARDSON, 324 Cumberland st. SALE EXCHANGE FOR Couutry seat at Yonkers, acros, situated on Palisado modern honzo, rooms, barn, carriage house, fruit, and river view: alao cottazo and a hill acre of land at Long Island. Photozraphs and full particulars with J.

N. KALLEY, No. 211 street. FOR James place, opposite -OR St. Jamos' Episcopal Church, No.

32, the threa aud a hui story stone front house, four story rear; frat class in erery particular: 20x t6 would for small house west of Bedrord and south of DuKalb ava, or wall locatod lots for improvement. Owner on premises. TOR Elegant SALE tiro story brown stone houses, ou Carroll st, Sixth a7: just completed: all latest fruprovomanta: marblo mautela, heaters, tnbes, also ono bnndsome 3 story; only 30 minutes from ferrs. Call and examine tuem. or address HOUSE, Box 9, Caglo ottice.

FOR 2 brick housta, Carroll st, near Third av. 97,000: rant. ed, $840; terms easy: algo two story brick houses, at, near Novina. $3 thro atory, stroat. also trame house and lot.

Classon av. noir Mutle, $4,0.0: others: monoy to joan ou mortgago. E. KERN. WI Ful.

ton st. room 17. POOR story brown atone houan in first order, No 8 Elliott place: price 81 000: mortzaga 88,000 eusy: will exchanze for frame or brick house 47.000. none City full: will rent furnished. unfurnished, $1,000: possession.

Poemi: from KERN. Fu ton st, room 11. A story briok house wall located on thin 81,500: 2 story an all monta, 3 story 0: South or Hamilton story brick, an mout3, also 1A7 br in perioct order. easy. LEVI FO 7 LAK, 577 Fulton st.

SAGE on Bodiorl ay: bousa A Das VERY all imara. LOW price, in izat class order: rooms: nice would do no.l to see it lot la 25 Toet front, 100 done with mice on roar: it lirat class location would or let to a mood teanat: would sail 01 TV UI terma. Laquire at 619 algrile av. Brooklyn, or 203 Bintu ot, Now York. 9ALR-H EXTRA CHANGE for investmont--The thraa mow story br wu stoue stores und dwelling.

Nos. and 191. two st, dant the way, nes: Dowdin: st: ments; hard wo finish; In: plain colars 10 font and gory well lighted. Apply 10 JOIN P. 133 atrent.

ENOR PERSON want of a four story and now, broma front house. a billiard born, lot. el: all very latest do well by that or Loiterta place, near TOW 138 SSEND. nad a4 to the timer, TI. builder: obou from 8 153 A.

M. audIto 5 0. M. MOOR TAG Elliott nia A bet and Lafayette avs, 3 story house. all in aplondid 20x41 and lot too feut deep: pared with black alano piro.

ment: 87 to mort 98 Sit nor pay cout, tea held pot by cent. an not estate. on the This property J. CORNELL, 44 Court st. FOR exchange, a very SALR-HOUSES-OR nice 3 story, brown TO stone.

LET $8.210: OR 3 story, frania, 2 story front, 3 story brown $6 500: 2 story, brick or 83,000, 2 and vasomont, frame 80,5,0, 00; cornor store p.opaity, or Fulton st. or Atiantio proporty. for lota 3 story, brown stone, for smallor. Apply to HALL SON, 319 Franklin aF. TOR FOUR HOUSES loft of tho ceren 2 story nod busumont brick 0003 now finishing livision ar, bet.

Second and Third sta, near Bedford ev. Fountain: houses with extensions; oxtra und finish: materials, coustruction aud Arrangement will bear tho closest inspection; call be 8330 Sundae: (ace fire minutes from Grand and Roosevelt al ferrina: very favorablo torms. Apply to factory, South Elevonth st, near Third. NEW BROWN stono house. No.

913 Henry st, near Joralemon. 45 feet front. M2 fost deby, three basem*nt and attle: ou parlo: iloor; bard wood and cabinet trim: all improvements: also a small, n917 18 No. 154 flicks st, near Piorropoat. hard wool moors AD1 cabinet trim: all improrements: both within tan wals of two forrles; price to bard times.

E. 11. DAY. builder, No. lil Blare at.

SALE-HOUSK-ONE OF TIE most dojirablo hous03 on Brooklyn Heights--Within minutes of Wall st. Ferry: Frenon bum neat, bratra etuno trout: sizo 16.5x63x100; the interior must he som to ba appreciated. the ontice arrangement being of the acylu; to a party an olegaat rosilo. nt a maderato cost, much an opportunity is presented: estate agents noed 9,146, Now York P. 0.

TOR torns. DARY Dean st. near Bond, 3 story. b. all st.

near tb, 3 atory. all imp. TO AI Olermont av. noir 1:0127. 3 atory, all 1 170)) Clinton at.

near Atare, dstory, D. all 18 00 Bercon at. near ny, 3 ctory all 1 Hourog for gale from 23,500 upward: lots and Tara: for Apply LEONARD MOODY. 213 guy 80. AND ON houses on Lafarotte and Grand ave.

Suith av. anI Sack casy. of thiso brown At st, to Park entrance: there Inentines mo da. arable and accessibio; 25 minutes and AY, C- r9 from Galton. South.

Wall at 0- 1 0: terries; horse: vors in sizo and must be sold thia month: immodinte migot in At 3 weil located and Irru of on tho promises or of THOMAS VAGAN, 956 Grand avenge, SAL purchase a new tirat eliss brown DE. FOUR ny house those before and on rasy form, will do wall bet. to call 4:11 and Gates: also or Brovoort place, opposite the Mansion, bot Franklin ave, mak: At. card: tho it tho city, from 31.09 T. B.

JACKSON, illor, vu io Butt tire purchaser: also 3 1v go house an grounds on St. Marks AV. first clues and chino. or 43. MOOR J.

N. KALLEY. 211 st. Willow st full Biz. $0,301 Columbia st, browa fu I size extra lot 47.000 st, brown atono, twen3; fros.

ood, 14 500 Hicks st. brawn stone. 11 700 Henry st, brown atoue, modorn, rory 8, st, four Clinton st, browa stone, full 13.7490 Joralomon st. thra, story, fratna, oxtra lot. 19 130 Conutry property, in Kreat varioty, exchange fur city.

TOR SALE HOUSES -ON EASY terins. Downing st, near Putnam av, 3story bs, all 87,500 st, near Pu 2 at 6.560 Cambridgn pl, near Gates nv. 24 story brick. all Imp 6,109 near story all Irving place, nour Pataam ny. 3 story brick.

all Thirst, nor Hoyt, 9 story all imp 350 Washington av, user Fulton st. 3 story all 11000 Ormond pl, near vult a 9t. 3 story ba. all 10. 10 Nostraud ar, voar Horkimer at, 3 briok.

All DiM) llat-cy st, near Throop av. 8 frains, all Carlton av. near 3 3.074 brick, all imp. Tompkins av, near Halsey 2 at Tramo, all imp For further particulars app': to DAVID C. REID.

1,05 st, corner Downing. POOR monts SALE bargains. INVEST162 Clermio it av, 3 story, brick, 14 rourus, all 105 Clariont av. story, frame. 12 all 5.5.4 191 Cormost 2 story, frame, 9 all Vanderbilt AV.

3 story. frame 14 ro all imp Adelphi et, 2 story extonsion, ostrn lot and 5.60 Clinton av. 4 ators and bae', all up 17,400 Washington nv. 3 story, brick, 12 rooms, all 8 100 Waverly 67, 3 story, brick. 11 rooms, all 4,000 Monroe st.

bs. Ail 870 Adelphi at, 3 story, ba. all (lee uont av. 3 story, be, all imp. Clinton av.

8 storv, brick, extra, all imp Hall at, frame. Iu rooms, all 107 Cumborland at, 4 brick, out poor 115 Ryorson et, 3 story, frame. 13 rooms, Apply to H. W. ROLELL, 333 Myrtia ay, to shoo store.

FOR RACHANGE TOOR EXCHANGE bountifully -HOUSES on tho NYACK cottaros, 12 rosins ouch all niodern Improvements: riow of 20 miles up and down the river: 410 feat from station: to ex. change for Brooklyn pronerty, or Iowa land: moderata mortgage to reinain. Address, for one wook, LIV-. INGSTON. Engle office.

FOR cialty: lots for improved A property; stone front honse, cont Ade'phi Academy. Dir and 070 or two lots near cat9: 2N houses in all parta of Brooklyn for otner bouses: alao, forwis and vitlage prop. erty for Brooklyn. open 8 to COMBER RICHARDSON, 729 Cu at. FOR SALD-HEAD ESTATE.

SALE-REAL ESTATE BC R- RILLS Roal ate Adrortiser will be nableshod na the first of March. Parties having store or other property for sale or mat will. by callio: on us and giving description of same, it inserted frug. real estato office, 454 Wiftu av. FOR Tirat clues businees and factory property, TO the near ferries, la Brooklyn, K.

four lota of ground and thres brick buildings: torme: possession iminediately. Inquire at O. South Fifth and Socond st. TOR SALE CHURCH THE side of OLD. Schw.

brick building on the north merhorn st. between st. and Third av; church cially called to this property, as tho location is elixible for 60155, ground 1 Tho attention of bnilders 13 4390- the erection of first class dwellings, and will be sold 8: a bargain. Full particulars by applying to JOHN JAMEN, 189 Montagno at. TO LET-HOUSES-FURNISHED.

LET -HOUSE- FURNISH ED A furnished cottage, in nico ordor, will be lot to 8000 tenant, VENIENT, at low Razle rent. for further address CON- FOR SALE-PIANOS, class planos. warranted for sis soars. for sale at FOR SOHMEWSFIRST oxtra. low figures for cish: to rent, or ca rent applied it purchased from 85 to 820; from somo very tine hand pianos, in excellent condition the best.

makers. SOMMER piano mancisclurers, No. 2) Fulton street. PIANOS TO LET ETEINWAY, $5 A MONTH; BELONUS to lady leaving ally: is 3 octare, overstrang, fine tone. Pianos Kates organs, to 8:0 monthly until paid.

to rent a month and unward. Oall, before decling op PABLPS SON, 34 Fulton st, opposite 804. LOST AND FOUND. OST- THIN EMERALD ASSOCIAchain attached. Tho finder wail he suitably by ition ball.

Acad any of Musio, a lady's FAN, with gold roturning thom to JOHN P. NO. Wall 20 CLOCK EDITION EAGLE OFFICE, FEBRUARY 8, 1878. SANITARY. The Health Affairs of the City.

Mortality Report---Report of the Sanitary Bureau. Owing to tho absonce General Jourdan no meeting of the Board of Health was held yesterday afternoon, 'The following da THE MORTALITY REPONT. REGISTRAR'S PORT TO THE MIND DE HEALTH OF MORTALITY FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, ANY 9, 1515: ZIMOTIC. Val. wease of Boarlot Disease of 8 of Croup 6 Augins Whooping cough.

1 8 Typhoid of Delirium Hydrothorax Enter 35 La: (Cirrhosis of Cancor of 1 Bright's Canner of Total 15 DEVELOP Protnature 2 Tub. Childbirth Puerperal 46 Old aye. LOCAL. of Total. 17 VIOLENCE -12 Concretion Tria 3 Total deaths from all STILL.

DINTHS. Malos. 10 Marriages reportod. 31 Births reported. Barial permits is PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS.


Wards. At Consumption all First 2. 1... Secuad. Tinrd.

Fourth. Tenth. 20 Twentioth Twenty 178 14 19 SEX AND DAILY MORTALITY FEAR ALl. CLUANS A WITH TIES DAILY MEAN TIE A Hinder 1 1 6 to to 10 seats, ON10 143 24 21 4010 dO HE 6110 5 tr and 17 MAX. 15 94: Total 59 4 17 3 Daily Moan.

All Days. causos. Jauniry Monday, Janu 3: 17. Tuosday, Wodnosday. Jan.

1 8143 413 January 6. 29.17 Friday. February 21 6 8 59 4 120 Saturuny, Fobruary 30.19 29.07 95 40 75 171 3- NATIVITY OF PALENTA OF DECEDENTS ALL AT ATTA AGES, THE SAME OF CHILDREN UNDER FIVE OF AGE AND FROM ZYMOTIC DISEABE9 AT ALL AUTS; Nativity of J. Nativity of Latner3 Mothers, Douatrion. 90516.

120- dis' British 3 10 United Otuorwins and 176 37 REJARK3. During the week there were 176 deaths, 17 lega than tue previous wick. The death rate per was (6.07. The average number of deaths per Week daring the quarter January 26 was 193.2 the averazo number of Grath per we the correiponding quartora of the past three years W23 422,8, and during the weak of the 1-840 three voar4 was 215.7. By the d-ath, the neath rate of each class, and the percoutum of deathy to the total were ad follows: 8.300 75 40 Dr 17 1.hl Of children under 6 years of age there were To at an annual rise per of the whole populaof 7.20 or 13,19 pot ur the deaths at all The four chief scariet fever and Ta deaths, 44.31 per of the deaths frowy all The returns amber the marriage roturns 31 an 1 the atoll virtha returns 17.

THere wore 17 Deatus iu paulic institutions, and 4 of colored per soua, The mean temperature Ava 29.20 degrees, The minimum war 14.00 degrees on The mo 41.50 011 Sunday. Rafa not fell during the amounting to 1.19 Inches of water. The Lucau bummity was 97, saturation being 10v. FRANCIA H. STUANT, Mi.

Register of Records of Vital Statisties, MONTILY REPORT FROM TAIL DUREAU OF RECORDS. OF RECORDS. HOARD OF 04 Court atroct, Brock 1, Il. .1. Lifetra, Secretary: present I a compilad from the of this office for the mouth of January, 1078, and a comparison with the returns of month of Janunry ol the three years previous: January.

1570. 1676. 1977. 1533. for burial.

1,216 1 210 1,129 974 4.591. 1,1 Births 550 4C1 1,002. 3,103, Matriaros reported Still 90, 65 79 319 'Pra Boripia ul 23; 83. 505 10 11 21.5 Actual of deaths 941 9-9 334 9ni It will be acon that during the past two years tho birche reported aru nearly double chose reported during the first month of the two previous years. In botu of the two yeara 1477 aul they proped thy deaths.

Yet, fully 10 por cent. of thu births lu Luis city are not reported. Tue marriages. also, have been mora fully ra. ported during 1817 and 1879.

But leas wore r-portod this your than last. Tho actual deaths bare dacroased each year, though it is vatim that the creased over 21.000 por gear or in the wholo period ovar 85.000. Respectfully submitted. FRANCIS If. START, M.

Registor of Rocords. REPORT OF THE BANITABY SUPERINTENDENT for the week ending Saturday, Februury 2, 1973 Inspections of nuisances by Sanitary 541 Inspections of premises whor* contagions diseases ut 12 Complaints against abore for d-fective Inspections Insanctiong of bureno: shops and slaug iter 171 of cow issued fur the o. Permits issued anlaad rossels at a leanod to eull milk Cubic feat of plant soil 813 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES REPORTED DURING TIE WEEKS ENDING Jan. Jan, Jan. Dipn: Huarlet Typhoid -22: 8 19, 119 131 HAND BALL.

Lively Time at Casey's Court. There was a large gathering of the lovers of band ball at Casey's Court, No, 111 Douglass street, Wednesday afternoon, and soveral exciting contests tonk place. Play WAR kept up till darkuess caine on, and the gallery overlooking the Court wag crowded with spoctatora. The drat match was between MeRroy and Courtney, the latter giving his opponent 10 points in each game. The odds were too much for Courtucy, a who lost two of the three games by the following score Mo 3 4 The second match was a four bamlod one, Courtney: and Grady being pittel against DicEroy and Durne, and resulted iu a victory for the former, who sco: ed three out of the Ore The oloming contest was baren O'arien and Donorsn, the former winnlog two out of the three games.

Phil Casey, tho champion, was present, and there was considerable disappolutment that de did not bare an opportualty of exhibiting his stall. ArraDgemente have been made fur several fine matches this afternoon. Captain Adums and Lientenaat Walker aro Investigating tho agalust Huutlag. Superintendent of the Life Saring Borrlue ou sho Los; la and conat, THE SCOTT ESTATE. Now Proocedinu to Boworo the Administratrix.

Wednesday, the Surrogate of Queens County held Court in Flusbing. The Scott matter was on the calcodar and a lively tune was anticipated. The reconciliation of Colonel and Mra, Brill, however, and the withdrawal of the proccedings instituted by Airs. Britt to have her mother, Mry. Scott, superceded as administratrix, practically terminated sue inattor.

One condition of the reconciliation was that Mrs. Britt Alould torminate all relations with Counselor Moranxe, who represented her In the contest with bor mother. Counscior Morange did bot appear Wednesday. lItA clepk said he was ongaged la Conrt aul lad beeu aulponaod as a witness in another cage. Moreover, the clerk said, Mr.

Morango had not seen Mrs. Britt in a week, ay ebo was too ill to leave home, The clerk said it was a fact that Mra. Britt was sick. Ha bad been to her residence three lites. 16 Sick quid Couuselor Fallon, "Yes, Bick of The clerk deeiret the Surrogate to postpone the matter, but Mr.

Fallon objected. It bal been met dowo peremptorily. 'The Surrogate thought there WAg no good why it should be adjourued. had fled the additional security as and that disposal of Ira. petition to remeve her.

Ile demised tho proceedings. Mia, has not become rec sucile to het hasband or her mother. Are. Scott tag4 -Du to willing to pay her daughters thuir third of the estate -piaztetly and it la ample for them to live a Mre, Sturges bas nine children, Mrs. Britt haa none.

Sir actions have grown out of she contest turf are the Surrogate and a war peuaing in Supreme Court. Wednesday the eighth suit was gau by coupMel for MIA. Sturgee, It 18 an action to hare Mrs. Scott superseded, alleging collusion between and Mr. Fox, sad attaccing the business ability of Str.

For. It cannot amount to in the Taco 01 the docision, TROUBLE AFTER THE MONEY MODS, An Adjournment of the Proceedings in the Lord- Lunacy Case 0' Conor in Court. The New York Supreme Court Chamber, where Judge Donobus jester lay. was crowded with spectators, who had in the hope of writnesting a coutinuation of tho lunacy against Thomas Lord, tha octogenarian husband of the funcinating Mry. Hicks.

It was exported that a return would be made to the order issued, directing Thomas Lord, Henry Lord and Francis Lord, to show cause why the order of Judge Vau Brunt, tho Commission in Lunacy and all othor proshould not be pet aside for irreguiarity. Tie allogation of Irregalarity was made because tho ordor was not at a apecial term, but purports to have been wade at a circuit court at time when such court could not lawfully be hell; because (he order way not ontitlod or entered 29 a special term order; it was ontered without specifyinz tho grounds ou which the injunctiou contained in it was granted, and without the aling of tho requisite undertaking; because of Judge Van Brunt'e lack of authorIty; because the ordor war In 072049 of the petition; because the order does not direct a jury trial of the 13- requtred Ito be tried by jury, and tuo order was granted without the usual or any propt or other of any modical person. In Court yesterday ex-Judge William Fullerton a0- peared for Messrs. Thomas Lord, Henry Lord and Francis Lord, and Ir, Claronco Seward tor Mr. Thor.

Lord, Br. CHARI.EA 'CONOR was alan present to look aftor tho sat rests of Mra. licks- Lord, whose counsel he is. Aftor Waltina time Mr. Seward ar533 and sail that tho vas: of hard againat Lord, in which 811 order to abow C11190 had berg issued, by coDaent of connael, and for their convenience, uad brou until the 14:1 the consent of the Court.

Judge Donohue and the cot loft the Court. It was rom rod that a Large motor NOW CA WeTO in conrae of preparation on both: adr4, ao. that the adjournment was unable the urs to furtber arrant re was also a r'inn that the adj bal with a NEW about a settlement of the ar of all pruco: Nother rumor could verin: by carnal 1p ronavol for hod. THE R.iC The Annual at The annual ball of 3 Bachelor (tub wit sivou in (atlatin fall Wednea lay. Th- an tel way elegantly adorned, and the by orwas all be de wat about W.

lock. ail 094 on Mr. Wuhan. the Flor Manager, Tie ProstJ. V.

2101 D. vere Asantant Floor Tho Floor were Goor go Masterson, Houry ok, T. I'. D. and A.

J. Dan0YuN, There was a and them the following Mr. W. and Mr49 A. Mr.

D. Devine and Mi4 Sard O'ffara, Mr. Genoty and Mat Audio -beau 1, Mr. Coomas 1'. Dorm.

and Miss Aunte it Mr. toury Mr. Andrew J. and lady. Mr.

John F. and lady, Mr. Curl an its lr. atr. A.

Marion and M1- Me Mr. Could ant lady, Mr. D. F. D.

an 31.44 Hare Lawless, Mr. A Haley anI 3147 3 Newcomb, Mr. James Tucker bad Martin. Mr. Thomas Hozun and Mi73 Maggi 10: Mr.

M. Boyd and Mias Kate Bord, Mr. John Carroll and Indy, Mr. Jau' Catam and 31143 Lacie Towera, Dr. John low.

ant 1. N.r. Jaines Orr and lady, Mr. ant la ly. Mr, Johu Bowman and lady, Mc.

M. Storan an lads. Mr. W. A.

S. Watts and Mr. Watts. Mr. Thomas Inarie aud Miss Maggie Dougherty.

Mr. Tutu Brown au! Beaverton, Mr. Nicholas and M73. mana. Mr.

Jobu Conueen aud Mi38 F.rgic, Mr. Iline and M193 Metermick, Mr. El. C-1- nerd and DE193 S. Hogan, Mr.

James Woods and Miss Mary Murnaue, Mr. Murrano and Mig3 Maggie Murmano, Mr. an. Katie Maci, Mr. P.

Connelly and Mra, Mr. L. D. Duryee and Mias A. Wallace, Mr.

Thomas Brown and 31144 Annie Glynn, Mr. W. Brown 34 Mice 4, Hall, Mr. Seckel and T. Nazle, Mr.

Murpby and Miss Lizzla Brown, Mr. F. 1 21d taly, Mr. Toronn: O'Brien ani Mist Katie O' Brien Mr. T.

Curran and Mrs. Curran, Mr. John Words ant 41 Mona, Mr. Win. and lady.

Mr. 0. F. 431- lagher and Mias Eliza Mr. St.

J. and Miss Mary Mr. Thomas Willis, Pr the South Brooklyn Scandiuarian Chi, and Mr. Eugone A. Barry and Alisa St.

Harry, Mr. 31. Butint and lady, Mr. 1. 301 Mica Abca Bennett, Mr.

M. Connelly and Mary Ann Mr. J. Gillen and Mias Colon, Mr. Martin an Mr.

Frank Forguson and lady, Mr. Lolly and Mra. Le.ldy, Mr. N. Tinon and lady.

the Last Site Social Circa of New York, Mr. Lone and Daly, Mr. John Dickedda an I lady, Mir. Jam Duldy Mug Fannie Mr. A.

W. au.1 Sliva Mary Stewart, Mr. John Devine aud Jaly, Mr. J. Boyle and lady, Mr.

James O' Brien aud ladr, Mr. J. N. Kohl And Miss Newl, Greave, Mr. C.

1, Koul and Wiuifred Smith, Mr. James Weal and Mrs. Welsh, Mr. T. Dolau aod lady, Mr.

A. Lotgler all O.k, Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Smith. Mr.

John 1: 17 ant la ty, Mr. A. Stultoe nad lady, Mr. George and Miss Music Brelir, FOR THE Charitable Entertainment of Unusual Excellence. W.

lay drain tie abl musical tainmeat wad given at St. Joseph's ou De near av.our, J1 the socoul meat of the the of which ad: to to the poor of th pa: al ander the auspices of Lad. 8, Vtcout de Paul by tho Si. J. Y.

M. C.A, ADd A. Th programming for the 1g was very attractive, coustin; of vocal 1 mental the pro of the: 14 ted "Slugher and mr." an tho well known, and -patio 19 bull wit an pro trad a through the ant whom average 4: of must we form 11 103 etyl: of unwral f1 the reaponiva 1.: turn of the "S.a her all 1:1 an humor. 1.13 a rear of N. The eaaractera wore wall to 4.

W. F. Kenny, M. A. M.

V. Pow F4, W. J. DeCarty, and 3113923 Mf. an1 M.

I At the conclusion of the piece a in occurred, after which W. J. T. F. Devin appuared in ongruat Mr.

Tort appeared in ninco we Invorably received, mod Mr, Mau" 1a coccuout style, Taoy bond 10 a dust, entitled -I Hope I Don't lutrudo," which warmly applaud d. They were aucer: fad by Mazara, J. B. Cornia and M. in a duct on piano al violio, who ren-tered do: Ang from fu a desirable style.

Th it weta literally rewarded. M139 M. 1, who has a One soprauo voice, followed in the bouz Iast The:" She was, wartly aul to "Av2 Maria." Mr. J. G.

Sbaw m.xt save with tar of ct, aud as an n. 1 By at the IL. war i DE r. Varian Loge In a violin solo, with piano ace vape in, who with an 1 Variations. Dr IT's -Morts wore Pandwom rewar then sauz and Walting" 1a a 0110- nor, an 1 gave a8 au altor the entertain at wi.

can the of aud Tue wort cro mably ailed by Mr. Torin and Dayan and M. I. wry. LONG 1915D NOTES.

The congragation and friends of the Kav. J. V. Sanndors, of the Jamaica Motho list Church, paid him a vlait and left over 820 for his benatic. Frienda of the Rov.

J. H. Emod, of bamptun. made him happy with 8130. The storm did rebte in Northport Harbor.

Tho sloop schoonerChallenge and schooner, Charloste J. we 020. driren ashore. The Bello Bull wiiided with the Snunyalde, carrsing away bur 10 aprit, jihooom and forerigging, smashed bor quaster salt aft, and store a bole fu het atarboard Tha schooner Mery Elizabeth bad bor waist gall and top timbors store. Tao achoone: Sarah Ellzabeth had her waist aall stove, sod bat foreward head rigging carried away.

The Oelcate had a hole stove in her Tau sacht Eleetwlug dragged her anchor, but soaped without injury. Of the iu the Kelsey care. the HuntAngton Indictia saga: When the 'plant" was Drat the romancera: that it was the badly of An. but tho medical canticaran who al the mains unbeatatinzly said it 5A, portion of MAD, 60 304 wind all knockal of that yarn. Now, ly to the and to avert pubilo they that it was the lads Now of a prepared by donto: Yori.

store nea a Flatue: They have placed is at thy of raau that know 03D no: contradius he lie. Wo bolleya it was plant, too; the valiant band who tarred and feathered Charles G- Kelzer. and then planted the fu Lloyd's barbor, to hido an Inbuman night's work. Ir there be any proofs to aha contrary Dave them: but don't pila anythinz on tho of dead men, for they hare uot the to stros off tho byrdon, MONEY MARKET. The London Exchange Still Unsettled.

The Produce Markete Feverish -The Silver Question Blaine's Dollar of 425 Grains--Stocks Heart. WALL STAYET. Futenary H. The morning cables roport console iu London 95 she opening, with a fall to 057-16 by two o'clock, showing au unselded markel, United Stales bonds are steady for all but the and thuce aru advanced compared with posterday. From Liverpool an advanco bu bread atnis is reported, thus the speculation in this city and at the Lake ports, and maxidy the markets quite The Chawber of Conswerce yesterday adopted a morial to Congress protosting tho passage of the Silver bull and arsilar to titose put forth in tue bankers' rumunal, referred to 1 low daya Tucs: prutcata should Lave wolght lu Congress if sarmibera will lleton to argument.

In Mr. Blain's speech lu Congress, yesterday, ha advocated the coinage of dollar ct 425 grains, 10 as to' wake it equal to par ur gold the present tIme, Buch measure ought not to prevail, for the reavon that ibe milyer dollar is made cabal to par in gold now when bar silver 1s 543i, and lu Loudon the probabilica aro tuat with an advanco in the price of lar silver the new do ine will be exported as builion, and thus tue mats will ba employed in making supply of doilar whioh will only bu of advautago to the callion dealers sud tha bonanza kinga, Lant year bar silver in London ranged between 544 and 534 d. per ounce, an avcrage of d. Should this averago rule this year, tho Blainu dollar of 425 grains would be worth more than par In gold, and would ho boarded or exportod. Thu range for bar silvar minca 1834 bay bean from 02 1-16 to making an average of 57 13-101.

par ouuce Thera appeare to ba some misunderstanding with refereuce to the value of the trade dollar, some retail dealers rolustug to take it for more than 92 cento It is not a icgal tender aud therefora it cannot ba forcod in payment of debts, but its market value in currency 18 that la to way, trade dollars can be gold Git tho "treet" for and can be bought for 90 4a. currency. The Government bond market is heavy, to-day, by roason of the pressure to sell largo blocka by who have imported boudal from London. The 6'a and G'a of 1991 are down below the lowest Agures of yesterday. Gold 19 quiet at 102 to 102 1-16, and the market in without spacial featuro.

blocka Wure dull and heary this morting. Thi prospects are good fur a railroad war or at least a loss of considerable west bound trate by the trunk line and the mild wcatbor ia injuring the prospeots of the coal trado, and indirectly tufucacing the prices of the coal stocks. Unless tue freight troubles are specdily adjusted, tho water routes will carry the bait of tun grain that way be required by Europe. Lake Shore opened at and full to 619; Northwest started at 311; sold at 4 and droppod to 314: The preferred opened at moved up to 4 aud down to Lack, and Western started at and fell to Western Union sold at nad St Paul at 0374 and 374: The preferred at C. C.

J. C. at Obio at 84; Panama at 121; Deleware Hudson at and 48, and Morris sud at There la no run ou tha Bank of North America Ur. day and busin-89 is being conducted unual, Thu Hold to-day at 61, againat 65 yesterday. Exchunge -First Board.

NEW YORK. Fobmary 100 U4 13 Merch Er 75 1'A 1) 105 5 Matropoi Bank. 134 1 11 5 Cs al 103 10 North River Uk. 60 Bank North 61 LOX 145 65 Park 100 105 2. Bank 87 25 Adans 1014 4 41 1634 6 107 53 12 do.

104 100 Unitod Statos Bi 16 A 104 100 983 140 Amoncan as reg 1841.. 10-1 200 West's Deion Tel F' coup 13. 100 1020 10.4 3 43 do. 5 101 10 Del a liud Candi A00 coup 184 102 100 3.00 lul; 100 con 103 610 Louisiana is con. 6.1%9 101 100 6v Mich Central 100 6 lloW 104 A No St 94 300 bu 20.

Ca: 174 3wv. Ome 4 pril Lu. Now Jer la: Panama 61 24 Illinots Coatra: 1 Now n- 1105 300 3 Potts 83 4 200 Milk St laur. 21 Core lat l'aur. NO Pd c.

4 St. Paux 1 tor 1040 0: 20 10 do I Ch 10 Albans SuRe At L.k Snore dis bus. 300 0 Li S00 CuD. 91 Chicago 200 Dura a imp 400 Chi Sin a 1000 a MIA loo Cont l'aoite 1044 30, Del Lack Mich Central 8 11t do, Western Par 10144 do. 1 Pts Fit Chic.

tot 110 1184 6) 304 118 1Al Morns a I BUD0 Toledo Wab 1st DC I 1013! Albany 2440 Walt 20 he 114 Nor 100 8t Tolt Wab ad 21 lac I or Mo: 1.. CA 50.0 a Great West'n 21. I 3 Sid 11000 Kan L'ac In No 16 2.4 1000 10 Hank br 5 100 9 BE THE RINK FETE. Zine Enteriniament and a large Crowd to Enjoy 11. The first roller skating jets given undor the CU3sas.

of the now management took plac: last or. auspice lug at the Honk, on avenue. The attendane, was one of the largest that ba4 ever been ru this builtIna. Sixteen hundred people were prosout, warin weather of the part two days having dour away with all ice skating, together the fact that there Laa bora a comm lerablo reduction in tha prices of admission, undoubte fly or atly in reared the atteudane, By half- patt seven o'click all Beata were occupio1, br eight standing room only coul1 bo obtained, and by nine it was ditticult to move about at all. Tue Link was decorated in its unnal attractive manner.

StrominMIs hung grarefully from 100 roof, white stags of all nationg and the cosigne or tho didorent Stale? re placed prominently tu During 1he hour nD1 a hair all to surface skating 00 than dive hun. dred put on the rollers, awoug the number bring gowe very ful akatora. The programine was one of the beat presented them It many dew and pleasing features, And was, on the a huis, well represeuted. At nine os the of the drum, the aurface was ri The entertainment wag opened by a the "Three Graces." the exhibition hems by concentrato1 lighte, con-anted ol graceful akating by three little girls, the muades of dif. terent e.

beluz cast on their on the turn of each circuit of the surfaca. Tho effect atriking and picturesque. Minaca Mianto Lant, Aiolis Mason and Da-y Murdoch were the participant, Their akating way unIversally admired and clionted many favorable romarka. Bra. followed fu one of toe fineat of akill and grade in the art that har bran giveu this Among her moremante were the inside and outside edge, forward and back ward, the porponting curve, the sculling motion, the toe and heel motion, the lap foot motion, aud wing other dillcult and intricate movements.

Her efforts were liborally and desertedly applaude t. A serpcatiao contest, or A rica In which tun comra: winds toward and then outward, came vert. Two diatanca was Arg circuits. Tho entrica R. Maver, O.

Anderson, Gaarga Hayes an F. Anderson. Hayes won. Mastera P. Koller and Da Fion followed in a of combined For grave and precision of step their exhibition WAR particularly notewortby.

The boys seemed to have originated many of their own. all of whica wore mriDarkably well excrulel, Auckciting LIE OF RINK NAIL, followed. The contesung nines were known ay Urg Rink aud Capitoline sides. John Harrla was captain of thY one, and C. Anderson of the otber.

Tho game www well played. At one time the ball would be almost in the goal, but by an effort it would ba drivon back and the game left audecided. Such pluck and perseverance was shown on both eldes. Professor Charles Smith toUawed in ode of big masterly extant. tinne, In pout of skill grace this way decidedly the feature of the erening.

A forward canteel, wined Med' G. Keller, C. Keller, J. Ferguson, P. Dutham art J.

llayes were the contoslanta, cam aret, G. Keller won. Tue pr. closed with of tua gee," given in character contume, aDd Intenside.l by colored lights. The following were tLs charact re tabou, and the persons represcuting "Tue Kris Du Flop; "the Loud Du cbild," Floo: lover," It.

Mayer Ashe moldier," O'ConJustico, F. 0. Dor: Hayes and "old a20," C. Anderson. The woe good, the characters well sustalnot, and the picce FAR, ou the whole, mirth provoking and colorable.

was farnisued during the ciruing by Cantorno's Twanty-third Beguinent orchestra. The fate was in every sense successful, Another one will be given on Tuureday evening of pest week. REAL ESTATE Marcy at, 20 ft a Middleton at. Maba, Thos Hood, C. to Willam UN Sa prop.

ater to Grand 10 frater 14 to Alida T. wife co*ckrutt, morts 6, 481 mill mad, 19 acres and Mary Dratun, to Soda and Dietrich 1.00 Plus calt a Mery Wis. lan's mill, acres, Joan Il Reid ST, COT Marion WackoM Valentine at. o. Buckley, 61.8 mort Nerias at, 44.000..

ScCaan to Thomas Barre, mort hame prop, a 44 Harte to Norias al, 161100, to Thomas Burke, murt 23,100... Third cur Chatod st. Ha Charlotte M. wile la to Petor Kelly sod Louts si to A Das to Aldrich, 26) f1 forsolos Willian Aldrich. a Faller Aldrich Marci me.

Ar. ladle, Joha to and I. A Alc Me Murray, morta. 000 st. 1 It fortrand 0.

Morris to Maydon 1.54 North Third 190 19 Footth Jaba Monk, 10 Falser Osterdolt mort Butler pig to 5 and Cospla. 1.2 Boules a ft ple lo Jodo sad 1,05.

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.