The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

fr 4. THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY-9, 1942 PAGE FIVE Heads 'Mother' Project Fay Bainter, star of stare and screen, la shown with the Mary role Jane of Wictim, mother" in Santa Monica, Cal, Mins Bainter was selected by the Michael Blake and Susie Ann: Hicks as she plays Board of Education to head the Santa Monica block mother project. The idea is to establish one house in each hlork where some motherly soul is always at home to care for the children in case of emergency. Officers Of Convoy Entertained Last Evening At Informal Party The Recreation Committee of the Woman's Christian Social Rela.

tions Department of the Woman's Auxiliary of Christ Church sponsored an informal party and dance last night from eight to twelve. The party was in honor of the officers of the convoy who stayed over. night here. There were about .10 girls and 50 of the officers, and the dance was Punch and cakes were served as refreshments and the music was furnished by 1 radio-victrola which was lent by Mr. W.

S. Vernon. The chaperons for the party. were Mr. and Mrs.

A Severat Leave For Cape May Mra. Edgar Bradley. Mrs. W. H.

Langhorne and Mrs. George Forsyth have left for Cape May, N. where they will spend two reeks. They will be joined. there Mrs.

Forsyth's son, Lieut. George Forsyth, who, la ---atationed near there. Mrs. Eyster Returns From Florida been spending some time in Miami, Fla. with her' cousin Comdr.

Reginald Langhorne. Brooks, has returned to her home at the University. Mrs. Eyster was joined in Miami by her brother, Flight -Comdr. Keene Langhorne, who is stationed at Clewiston, the R.

A. F. Base. Mrs. Eyster'a: daughter, Mina Lenghorne Eyater la spending several weeks visiting her grand.

mother, Mrs. Francia Harrison, In Charles Town, Va. Mrs. Langhorne Eyster, who has Will Spend Two Weeks At Beach Mrs. Augusta Scott Morrell of Fendall Avenue and Mra.

2 Edward Walker Scott, will leave on Monday for Virginia Reach, where they will spend two weeks. Mrs. John Maury, Jr. Arrives For Visit -Are: John Minor Jr. -of Arlington is spending a short time with Mrs.

Maury, Br. at "Dunlora," her home near here. Miss Betty Lee Harrell of thie city is spending some time in Washington with her sister, Mrs. W. E.

Pugh. Mr. and Mra. J. R.

Davis and two sons of Delaware are visiting Mrs. Edith Morris. as well as their. mother and other relatives in the Elisabeth Starke of Pikeville, Ky. city.

"Flexees" SWIM SUITS $595 and $795 'Styled for swimming or lolling- one and two piece models Worth seeing DE. R.C.' Ashton Grant Stark. U. 8. N.

and Mrs. Starke, who have been Ing Mr. and Mra. W. F.

Starke at Crozet bare returned to Rhode laland and have as their guest Mine fr 4. Clearance Of HATS off Tonn Es Country. Shop 114 Fourth Street N. E. It's Patriotic.

To Save! That's why we say "shop at Levy's and save" -Buy war Bonds and Stamps with the savings you realize from your purchases here! Come down tomorrow and: see just how much you can really save! LEVY'S "Air Phone 278 102 East Main 7 Fashionable Practical sheera and: the ever smart Black jerseys- ideal for daytime and afternoon icar. See these new dresses today! $895 and higher Stale FIRST: Suoppe MAIN FUNNY ABOUT gets strangest in places the LOVELY blush on a lady's cheek, clever touch to her lips, But rouge and lipstick have 1 chievous way of going awry and showing up on clothes. There might be humor in it were the stain not so indelible. But worry not ton much, for we know just how to remove its mark completely and without damage. F.

Man's suit Plain dress quality cleaned 75c quality cleaned 75c Phone 89 Fowler's Valet Cleaners A NATIONAL ASSOCIATE Pre: DE EYE FIVE SOCIETY William McGill Leaves For New Kansas; Yorw Mrs. E. Mann Nash Returns From William M. McGill of visit Wayside Mr. Place and left Mra.

last A. M. evehing Strode. for PittsKans, where she spend will some time visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Before here she will la Lamar, Cole. 1 -4 Mann Nash and her sister have returned here after spending time in New York. boyd-Brown: Mrs. Li J. Brown Waynesboro, anthe marriage of their Marian Elizabeth, 10 Patton Floyd Ill of and Portsmoutn, con Francis and Mrs.

F. P. Floyd of -Dr. Saturday, June 17. bora, was performed in ceremony of Dr.

J. L. Evans, Westmoreland Memorial Church, Richmond. Ellis of Frances College was maid of howFloyd had for his best man, and saly attendant. Mr.

Charles Tompkins of Hamp Following the ceremony a wedluncheon was served, after the couple left on trip. Vra urnesbora High School 'graduate and at Dunsmore Business ColMr. Floyd is descended from Tuewel tranch of the Floyd ally He he a graduate of: Wayere High School and attended Caiversity of Virginia. Howard Croft has to her home here after spendseveral days with her parenta, and Mrs. A.

I. Wooddell, la erey. Nancy Martin, Miss Mary dace and Mias Margaret Pence In returned here after visiting In Mark Pence at Port They were accompanied back by Pesce who will visit her unghter. Ya could esk for no Goer pione then the Winter 4. Company Manate FIRST of the modern consolesMONEER in styling.

nevement thet has swept the nation NOW shewing -the latest models in this faxineting piers. at Yaay 1223 up. lovely new period models a Sold on terms. Write catalog if you cannot call Halter D. Moses 103 Muste L.

Broad, Richmond Co. House in Ta. N. A J. L.

Newcomb Entertains Dr. John Loyd Newcomb, presIdent 'of the University entertain. ed at dinner party on Tuesday evening at seven o'clock. at the Farmington Country Club, In hon. or of Senator Elbert D.

Thomas of Utah, who. is here for the Institute of Public Affairs. Those attending the dinner Dr. and Mrs. 0.

Hale, Mrs. Robert K. Gooch, Mr. Brooks eny, Mr. Mrs.

Yandell Elliott, Mr. and Mira. A. B. Shepperson, Representative and Mrs.

Thomas H. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mayo and Macame Laura D.

Bar. ney. Mrs. Graham Tull To Leave Next Week Mrs. M.

Graham Tull of Men. dowbrook Hill and her children will leave next week for Bremer. ton, to join her husband, Tull. They plan to make their home there for the duration. For Warm Springs Mrs.

Thomas Fawcus and Mrs. J. A. Chisholm have left for Warm Springs, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs.

E. Lewis Knowles of Staunton, has arrived here where she will visit her Mina Vir. inia Mille. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Grove have returned to Winchester atter brief stay here with friends. Arthur Lee Brown, of the Methodist Orphanage, In Richmond. la spending sometime with Mrs. S. Holloway on Oak Street and Mrs.

Ernest R. Mitchell on Observatory Road, No More RUST In My Laundry Now!" Rusty bot water tough on clothes worse tempers! Decade nght sew Water pleaty of hot water, always crystal. clear. Complete to reage of Priced easy buy, From them today! PITTSBURG WATER HEATERS Your Gas Dept. City Hall A Men's Boys Slip-Over Sweaters 7 $2.50 A special purchase enables us to offer you these excellent Values! These fine quality sweaters are 3 cotton.

sweaters in They're well made, good looking heather and navy, maroon. camel, Sizes royal, 36 to walnut 42. Buy while them now for Fall and Winter they're to be had! 0.E. C. L.

HAWKINS "Modernly Air Conditioned" 106 EAST MAIN Turner-Purvis 'A wedding of Interest here and throughout Nelson County took place in Scottaville, Friday, July 5 when Miss Bebecca Hope Purvis. daughter of Mra. Genevieve Purvis of Shipman and the late Mr. Frank Purris, and William' Nelson Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs.

er Turner of Midway Mills were married. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mack Thomasson his home la Scottaville. The bride wore aqua -blue with white and brown accessories and corsage of garden flowers. She was educated in Nelson County Schools and graduated from the Lovingston High School.

Mr. Turner wi educated in the Nelson County Schools and is. now employed by the Chesapeake and Ohio. Railroad stationed at. Bremo Blup as signal helper.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner will live Bremo Bluff. 2 Ballard- Nolla Announcement has just been ceived of the marriage on June at the home of the bride la San Juan, Porte Rica of Miss Nery Nolla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

M. D. Nolla, to Sergeant. Harry Leslie U. 8.

now stetioned in Porto Rica, son of Mr. and Mra. C. Hunter Ballard of The 'bride was given in marriage by ber father. Her gown white mouseline de sole and her veil felt from head dress of lace and she carried a shower of white roses.

Her mother served as dame of honor. A largely attended reception followed the ceremony after which the couple left for Treas cre Island for a two week's honeyinoon. Sergeant Ballard has been in the Army 18 months and la with the Medical Corpe. Miss Jones Weds Hugh Freele. General Hospital.

Miss Alease Nelson Raiston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Raiston of Mechum River, and Mr. Marion Curtis Farrell of Alberene, son of Mr. and Mra, James C.

Farrell, were married on Friday; July The Rev. H. Bernard Lipacomb, Jr. of the Methodist Church performed the ceremony, A wedding of unsual Interest here was solemnized 'at Maple View, Saturday evening, July 4th, when Miss Margaret Melton Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Melton Jones became the bride Mr. Hugh W. Freele of Silver Creek, New York, and Camp Lee. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edwin Sweeney.

The bride's only attendant was her sister, Miss Bessie Jackson Jones of this city. The had as his best. man, Laurence- Ribbechi of New York City and Camp Lee. After a buffet supper the couple left for a brief motor Valley of Virginia, after which they returned to Camp Lee, where the groom resumed his duties StaR Sergeant Technician 'In the 45th of Strasburg are spending a short time here with friends and relatives. Miss Ellie Lee Morris, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Lawls E. Morris of Dyke, and Mr. Joseph Ira Sullivan of Swift Run and this city, son of Mr. and Mra.

Arthur C. Sullivan, were married on Friday, June 26. The ceremony was performed in Charlottesville by the Rev, H. nard Lipscomb, Ir, of the Mothe dist Church. Mr.

Joseph Massey, of -Locust is spending some time in Richmond visiting relatives. Mre. Robert Funk and son, Jack Lieut. and Mira. William Hoofnagle, who have been spending the paat two weeks at the home of Mrs.

Bally Hamilton, will apend the weck-end in Richmond with friends and relatiyce," Mri, Hoofnagle was before her. recent marriage, Miss Helen Jacqueline Moore, daughter of Air. and Mira. Andrew Jackson Moore of Richmond. Mr Hirams Green and his Stephen Green of Maxwelton, W.

Va. arrived at the Univerally yesurday for a brief stay with Mrs. Green, who is spending several months with friends on Chancellor Street. Mr. Alfred Kilham has return.

ad to New York after spending some time with hint parenta, Mr. and Mra. Austin D. Kitham, at their home at Farmington. Mrs.

Russell Andrews has turned to. Washington after being the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Eager at the Univeralty.

Ara, J. G. Perry witt leave morrow for Knoxville to visit husband, who will accompany her home neat week. Mias Retay Isom will return 0:1 Sunday to 'her home on lang laland after a stay of several days at the University. Mr.

Stanley who has been visiting friends and relatives on Long Island and in has returned to the' Univeraity, to resume him studies. Miss Dorothy Ann Camp and her mister, Miss Katherine Camp, of Washington are vialting their grandmother, Mrs. Ora Landes. Mina Roberta Wellford of Rich. mond has arrived at the Univer.

alty to spend some time vialting her alater, Mrs. Rally Hamilton, on Chancellor Street. Mra. Morgan Coatley and Miss Mabelle Kolner have returned from Petersburg. Fla.

where they Lapent several days. Mr. and Mr. Wilson P. Huckstep have returned to their home here after spending short time with relatives in Arlington.

Miss Carolyn Scott of Peme broke, and Mr. Jack Parleburg have returned here after- spending short time with Mr. and Mra George Dent on tie High Street. Mra. I.

Carruthers, Mra. Margaret Lynn Lollie and Betty Jo and. Terry Ann Tilman have returned from a two weeks stay at Naga Head. Mra. J.

F. Houchens of High Street la visiting her son-In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer in Maurertown, Va. Bruce Is Elected Minute Men's Head BUCKINGHAM -R.

H. Bruce was elected captain of the Buck. Ingham Minute Men at Central High School Tuesday night and J. H. Spessard, of Arvonia, first tenant; J.

R. Anderson, of Ander. conville, second lieutenant. I sent to the attorney general and tition for the organization will be a time set by him the group will mustered in service. Fortyhave signed up for the organization 41 attended the first meeting.

BUY? Blue SAVING Denim BOY In the Popular "Faded Overalls Slacks Shorts Shirts For Work and Play! You'll love these cool summer togs. well made, beautifully styled garments--and prices start at $2.25 per garment! 1 Helen G. Eastham's 220 East Main Street 1. i- Edwin Ire, Captain and Mrs. mer Johnson, Prof.

and Mrs. Arthur Pegau. Mre. Cieorge D. Mayo, Miss Jean: Wheeler, Mias Louise Wheeler, Mias Louise Relt, and Or.

and Mra. at H. Urner, Mr. Mr. la 11.

Peterson and Mr. and Mra. W. Hughes met the officers and brought them to the church, and the girls at the party were invited by the group in charge. The officers were from the Holabird Quartermaster Training Base In Baltimore and their destination was not known.

Miss Sadie Dunn Returns Home Miss Sadie Dunn of this city return to her home today from Roanoke, where she has been spending her vacation with her cousin, Mrs. Charlie McCown. Mrs. Robert Hoskins and her two 'children, Susanne and Tommy, have left for the West Coast to join La. Hoskins and make their home for the duration.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Robinson and daughter, Brenda, have returned to their home in Baltimore after a visit here with Mr. RobInson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. P. Robinson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs.

O. T. Allegree have their guests Mira. Allegrer's slatera, Miss Chafles Annie Ice Williams and Mrs. T.

Walford, of Richmond, Mra, 1a 7. Fischer and daughtor, Nancy Peyton, of Buffalo, have arrived to spend some time with Mra. Fircher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.

A. Payton, on Locust Mina Retty Frye New York City and is spending a short time at the University with friends, while attending the Inatitute, of Public Affairs. 4 and: for.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.